Yunlan Zhang receives 2017 SURF Best Mentor Award

Yunlan Zhang
Yunlan Zhang, PhD student in Civil Engineering, received a SURF Best Mentor award on August 4th. The purpose of the award is to recognize Purdue graduate student mentors who have provided exceptional guidance and instruction to undergraduate researchers in the SURF program.

Yunlan Zhang, PhD student in Civil Engineering, received a SURF Best Mentor award on August 4th. The purpose of the award is to recognize Purdue graduate student mentors who have provided exceptional guidance and instruction to undergraduate researchers in the SURF program.

Yunlan advised Nuela Enebechi (a SURF student from Minnesota State University - Moorhead). This project was funded by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) to develop a new nanoHUB tool to model Phase Transforming Cellular Materials (PXCMs). The in-browser nanoHUB simulation tool is free and can be accessed directly from

The presentation of this project at the 2017 SURF Research Symposium is also available in nanoHUB