CE students take home awards in Purdue Student Soybean Innovation Competition
Civil Engineering student Harshit Kapoor and Multidisciplinary Engineering student Terry Babb earned awards in the 2017-18 Purdue University Student Soybean Innovation Competition.
Terry Babb competed as a member of Team "SoyTack" along with his teammates Susan Hubbard (BE), Jacob Semonis (Ag Econ/Agronomy) and Christopher Stichter (ASM). They won the top prize of $20,000 with their soy-based tackifier entry.
Harshit Kapoor competed as a member of Team "SoyTron" along with his teammate Andrew Cameron (ChE). Although they did not win the competition, they did win the Social Media Award and did a terrific job with their entry.
For complete results and a listing of all teams products visit the web page at - http://purdue.edu/ABE/academics/competitions/2018_all_teams