Congratulations 2010 Rudolph Hering Medal Recipients

The 2010 Rudolph Hering Medal has been awarded to Kathy Banks, Sybil Sharvelle, Mazdak Arabi, and Eric McLamore for the paper "Model Development for Biotrickling Filter Treatment of Graywater Simulant and Waste Gas: I."

The 2010 Rudolph Hering Medal has been awarded to Kathy Banks, Sybil Sharvelle, Mazdak Arabi, and Eric McLamore for the paper "Model Development for Biotrickling Filter Treatment of Graywater Simulant and Waste Gas: I." which was published in the Journal of Environmental Engineering in October of 2008. The award will be presented at the 2010 ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress in Providence, RI. 

The Rudolph Hering Medal was instituted and endowed in 1924 by the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE, in honor of Rudolph Hering, past vice president of the society. The medal is awarded to the author(s) of the paper which contains the most valuable contribution to the increase of knowledge in, and to the advancement of, the environmental branch of the engineering profession.

Sharvelle, Arabi, and McLamore all received PhDs at Purdue. Sharvelle and Arabi currently are assistant professors at Colorado State University and McLamore is a research assistant professor in ABE at Purdue.