Science and Engineering: Heat, Light and Power

by | Jul 25, 2015

Mechanical Engineering Professors Amy Marconet, Amy Marconnet, Liang Pan and Kejie Zhao developed a hands-on workshop on heat, light and power. C Design labs helped facilitate the workshop through Imagination Station. Learning science hands-on through design and making was very engaging to the children. The themes were “See the Heat, Build a Working Camera and Make a Fruit Battery.” It was another successful workshop with more than 60 attending.

See the heat: Have you ever wondered why the metal parts of your desk feel colder than the wooden top? Or grabbed your seat belt on a hot day to find the metal buckle feels like it burns you, but he cloth part is tolerable? Let’s explore the heat!

Build a working camera: Do you want to learn about lights and cameras? how the pictures are taken inside a film camera? Let’s build a working camera by ourselves and have some fun to take some pictures with it!

Make a fruit battery: Ever heard of a fruit battery? Who knew we could make our own batteries? Let’s create some with the use of fruits and power up a bulb light.

Convergence Design Lab Admin

Convergence Design Lab Admin

Administrator of the Convergence Design Lab website.