September 2020

  • Our project on security in distributed autonomous systems with the Army Research Lab (ARL) kicks off. This is a 5-year project and involves 5 faculty members: Saurabh Bagchi (PI), Somali Chaterji, Mung Chiang, David Inouye, and from Princeton, Prateek Mittal. With this, we join the Army’s AI Innovation Institute (A2I2) program. We are actively hiring graduate researchers and Research Scientists to join us as part of this project.

Dr. Dan Cassenti and Dr. Mark Tschopp of ARL are programmatically managing the project.

Detail at:

  • Our work on security in Machine Learning funded by Northrop Grumman gets accepted to NeurIPS. The acceptance rate is 1900/9454 = 20.1%. This is a one-third jump in the number of accepted papers from last year.

Sean Kulinski, Saurabh Bagchi, and David Inouye, “Feature Shift Detection: Localizing Which Features Have Shifted via Conditional Distribution Tests,” Accepted to appear at NeurIPS, pp. 1–10, 2020.