August 2015

Departure and Arrival Information

The seniors leave and the new researchers arrive. It is that exciting time of the year again. DCSL-ers Raghav, Nathan, Amiya, and Matt have left, onto exciting ventures in the next phase of their career. And DCSL is welcoming 6 new researchers – Tara Thomas, Taegyu Kim, I-Ta Lee, Ayush Patwari, Abraham Clements, and Eli Kern.


DCSL in New Research Center

We have a newly started research center called PRIAM, funded by General Electric for 5 years at $10M total. The center is to help GE’s Brilliant Factories initiative, in which factories are sought to be sensor enabled, with continuous optimization for meeting various objectives. At the first stage, DCSL researchers will develop discrete event simulation and bottleneck identification modules in this effort. We are excited to apply our work to this very practical setting in advanced manufacturing.