Aug 2019

  1. HPCWire has done a news story on our work with Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) on approximation of mixed precision supercomputing applications that meets accuracy requirements. [ WWW ]
  2. Three new projects start at DCSL.
    1. [Sandia National Lab] Emulation and security testing of embedded firmware, 2019-2020.
    2. [Northrop Grumman Corporation] Secure, Real-Time Decision-Making for the Autonomous Battlefield, 2019-20. Joint with David Inouye (Purdue ECE).
    3. [Northrop Grumman Corporation] A Privacy-Preserving Predictive Modeling Architecture for Edge Computing, 2019-20. Joint with Christopher Brinton (Purdue ECE).
  3. Three new students start in DCSL. Pengcheng Wang (MS, Tongji University) who will work on cellular network reliability. Atul Sharma (BS, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur) who will work on applied machine learning for reliability. Karthick Shankar (current BS in ECE student) who will work on configuration of distributed systems.