News Archive


  • May 2016: Two DCSL-ers graduate – Paul Wood (PhD, startup) and Suhas Javagal (MS, Oracle). We welcome a new Research Scientist – Jinkyu Koo, from Samsung Electronics.
  • March 2016 : Our paper on a Domain Specific Language for computational genomics is accepted at ICS. “SARVAVID: A Domain Specific Language for Developing Scalable Computational Genomics Applications,” Kanak Mahadik, Christopher Wright, Jinyi Zhang, Milind Kulkarni, Saurabh Bagchi, and Somali Chaterji. The acceptance rate was 43 of 178 = 24.2%. [ Paper (in pdf) ] [ Conference web site ]
  • March 2016 : DCSL welcomes a new Research Scientist, Jinkyu Koo. [ ECE directory page ]


  • November, 2014: DCSL is looking for a post-doctoral researcher in the broad area of practical distributed systems, to start from January 15, 2015. Take a look at the announcement. [ html ]
  • August, 2014: DCSL’s work with Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) is highlighted in an article appearing in their Science & Technology Review magazine for July/August 2014 with the title “Supercomputing Tools Speed Simulations”. The Purdue contribution has been through Subrata and Ignacio (now an employee at LLNL) and is for the tool called AutomaDeD, which applies statistical learning to identify and diagnose performance problems in large-scale scientific applications. [ Article ]
  • August, 2014: DCSL gets 4 research awards – two from NSF (CRI and NeTS programs) and two from Department of Energy, through Lawrence Livermore National Labs. So we are now looking to hire 2 Graduate Research Assistants. If you are a starting graduate student at Purdue ECE or CS and are interested, please read the announcement of these two positions. [ Announcement ]
  • August 9, 2014: Two PhD graduates from DCSL – Bowen Zhou and Fahad Arshad – are ready to go on to great things in the industrial world. Another graduate, Benjamin Kobin, who graduated with an MS degree, had already left to join his job and so is not in the picture. [ Picture (From l to r: Bowen, Saurabh, Fahad) ] [ Picture (DCSL family and guests of graduates) ]
  • June 20, 2014: Our submission to Supercomputing is accepted. The paper is on parallelization of the computational genomics application called BLAST, which is used for alignment of genomics sequences. We show the insight behind fine-grained parallelization of genomics alignment and an implementation in Hadoop that shows significant improvement over the state-of-the-art parallel application. The authors are: Kanak Mahadik, Somali Chaterji, Bowen Zhou, Milind Kulkarni, and Saurabh Bagchi. It is based on our NSF-funded XPS project that started in Fall 2013. The paper is here. [ pdf ]
  • June 10, 2014: The code for parallel application debugging, the system called AutomaDeD, which was described in our PACT ’12 and recent PLDI ’14 paper (system was called “Prodometer” here) has been publicly released on github. This implementation was spearheaded by Subrata Mitra and Ignacio Laguna (DCSL member and now at LLNL).URL:
  • February 22, 2014: Our paper titled “pSigene: Webcrawling to Generalize SQL Injection Signatures” is accepted to DSN, the 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Dependable Systems and Networks. This work shows how to learn from a corpus of SQL injection attacks using machine learning techniques, bi-clustering and logistic regression, and match against new attacks. This is work done by DCSL researchers Gaspar (who graduated in 2013 and is now working for Narus Networks/Boeing), Fahad, Chris, and Saurabh, and our machine learning collaborator, Alan Qi.
  • January 2014: DCSL gets an award from the Trask Fund for Technology Commercialization. This fund is administered by Purdue’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) and is meant to make a Purdue technology more commercially marketable. In this  funding cycle, our project titled “Achieving Predictable Performance on the Public Cloud” was awarded as one of three projects. The project funding is decided based on a written proposal and a presentation to a group of Purdue inventors and entrepreneurs. There are two funding cycles each year in this program. Subrata and Amiya are working on this project. [ Purdue University news story ] [ Yahoo Finance news story ]
  • February 3, 2014: Our first PLDI paper is accepted. This is on debugging hangs and performance problems in parallel applications through dynamic monitoring. This is work spearheaded by Subrata in collaboration with LLNL. [ pdf ]
  • January 22, 2014: To all those who wrote in asking about the safety of DCSL members in view of the tragic shooting in the Electrical Engineering (EE) building yesterday, thank you. And thankfully, we are all safe. [ Read more ]


  • November 11, 2013: Saurabh is selected as an ACM Distinguished Scientist. The ACM Distinguished Member Recognition Program recognizes those members with at least 15 years of professional experience who have made significant accomplishments or achieved a significant impact on the computing field. Distinguished Member is a member grade recognizing up to 10% of the top ACM members. In 2013, ACM elevated 40 of its members to Distinguished Member status. Saurabh was nominated for laying the software basis for designing distributed systems that can tolerate faults under a variety of operating conditions.ACM news story is at:
  • August, 2013: Two new graduate students – Kanak Mahadik and Jeff Avery – join DCSL. A junior student, Raghav Shankar, also joins DCSL. Kanak is working on the newly funded NSF project on scalable algorithms for computational genomics. Jeff is continuing Gaspar’s work on zero-day attack detection. Raghav is working with Benjamin on IBM’s mobile backend as a service project.
  • April 8, 2013: Tanzima sucessfully defended her PhD thesis, titled “Reliable and scalable checkpointing for distributed computing environments”. She is headed to Lawrence Livermore National Lab now.
  • April 5, 2013: Saurabh’s promotion to (full) professor is ratified by the powers-that-be (aka the Board of Trustees). The new appointment starts from August. [ Purdue news story ] [ ECE news story ]
  • April 4, 2013: Gaspar wins the CERIAS Diamond award, given out during the CERIAS Annual Symposium. The award is given to one or two outstanding graduate students in CERIAS. CERIAS is the inter-disciplinary university-wide security center at Purdue with 85 faculty members associated with it.
  • February 27, 2013: Saurabh has been selected as an ACM Distinguished Speaker. His 3 year term begins in March 2013. The Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP) brings distinguished speakers from academia, industry, and government to give presentations to ACM student chapters. Saurabh’s talks for this program can be found here.


  • December 2012: Ignacio successfully defended his PhD work and submitted his thesis. He is done and headed to Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
  • December 11, 2012: Gaspar successfully defended by PhD thesis. He will be taking up a full time position as the Cybersecurity Engineer at the NSF center called NEEScomm at Purdue. He had been working on this project as a graduate student for the last 3 years of his PhD.
  • December 6, 2012: Saurabh has been selected as an IMPACT Faculty Fellow for 2013. IMPACT is a program at Purdue which seeks to change the learning culture on the West Lafayette campus to become more student-centered. Saurabh is the only ECE faculty chosen for this program in this round.
  • November 15, 2012: The thesis materials of the PhD alums from DCSL have all been put online. They can be found from the “Alums” section of the “People” page.
  • November 8, 2012: Saurabh Bagchi gave a presentation at USC-ISI in Marina Del Rey, CA in the Computational Sciences Division on debugging in large-scale systems. The presentation file is here.
  • September, 2012: Tanzima’s paper at Supercomputing is nominated for the best student paper award. Hers is one of 8 papers nominated for this award and the award will be announced at the Supercomputing conference in Salt Lake City Nov 10-16. Her paper titled “mcrEngine: A Scalable Checkpointing System using Data-Aware Aggregation and Compression” is the most scalable checkpointing solution which can scale to the large scientific computing clusters. The work has been demonstrated at LLNL.
  • September, 2012: DCSL has 2 students graduate with PhDs – DongHoon Shin and Jin Kyu Koo. DongHoon has started as a post-doctoral researcher with Prof. Junshan Zheng at Arizona State University. Jinkyu has joined Samsung Electronics
  • September, 2012: DCSL welcomes three new students – Subrata Mitra, Tsungtai Yeh, and Christopher Gutierrez. Subrata comes to us from Intel and with a MS from University of Florida. He will be working on the problem of root cause determination in distributed applications. Tsungtai comes to us from University of Utah and before that with a Masters from National Tsinghua University in Taiwan. He will be working on the dependability of large-scale applications on scientific clusters. Chris comes with a Masters from California State University and internship experience at Intel. He will be working on the cybersecurity aspects of the Missile Defense Agency project
  • August, 2012: DCSL has openings for two Graduate Research Assistants in security-related projects. One of these requires US citizenship. [ pdf ]
  • June 15, 2012: Our work with LLNL on dependability of large-scale clusters and scientific applications has been featured in the local press and in a Purdue news story. [ Purdue news story ] [ Purdue Exponent ]
  • May 1, 2012: Lt. Col. Van der Schaaf of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) felicitated three DCSL members with certificates of appreciation for their work on the MDA end-to-end missile defense simulation work. The students recognized are Matthew Tan Creti, Jevin Sweval, and Paul Wood. [ Group pic ] [ Jevin ] [ Paul ]
  • Apr 7, 2012: At the CERIAS Symposium 2012, a poster from one of our security projects received recognition during the Annual Poster Competition. The poster for the project “Secure Configuration of Intrusion Detection Sensors for Changing Enterprise Systems” by Gaspar Modelo-Howard, Jevin Sweval, and Saurabh Bagchi earned second place, from fifty-three posters presented at the symposium. The competition recognizes the posters that best reflect the intellect and talent CERIAS fosters within its research and education programs. [ Poster ]
  • Apr 3, 2012: Saurabh is a panelist for the panel “Mobile Device Security” at the 13th Annual CERIAS Security Symposium at Purdue. Here is the presentation. [ pdf ]
  • Mar 2012: Ignacio is invited to participate in the 2012 Salishan Conference on High Speed Computing, to be held April 23-26, 2012, at the Salishan Lodge in Gleneden Beach, Oregon. This is organized by the Los Alamos, Sandia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and is an invitation-only conference. The theme for this year is “2015 Petascale Systems: Next Steps”.
  • February 2012: DCSL has three papers accepted to DSN 2012, which will be held in Boston on June 25-28. All three of the papers involve our industrial collaborators. The papers are:”An Empirical Study of the Robustness of Inter-component Communication in Android,” Amiya K. Maji, Fahad A. Arshad, Saurabh Bagchi and Jan S. Rellermeyer (IBM Research, Austin)”A Study of Soft Error Consequences in Hard Disk Drives,” Timothy Tsai (Hitachi GST), Nawanol Theera-Ampornpunt and Saurabh Bagchi”Automatic Fault Characterization via Abnormality-Enhanced Classification,” Greg Bronevetsky (LLNL), Ignacio Laguna, Saurabh Bagchi and Bronis R. de Supinski (LLNL)
  • February 2012: DongHoon Shin will start as a post-doctoral researcher in Arizona State University in the group headed by Prof. Junshan Zhang. DongHoon has been spending time since summer of 2011 in Intel in Portland on an extended internship working on wireless protocols for future generation wireless standards.
  • February 2012: Our work at the convergence of mobile computing and enterprise computing, started at IBM Research Austin, is now funded by IBM. The goal of the work is to enable mobile devices in the hands of system administrators to help localize problems quickly in enterprise computing environments. Saurabh is spending part of his Spring semester working with IBM Research colleagues in Austin.


  • November 2011: Ignacio Laguna, a doctoral student in Purdue University’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded a George Michael Memorial High Performance Computing Fellowship during the Supercomputing Conference in Seattle in November 2011. The award recognizes Laguna’s work, which aims to detect and pinpoint bugs in simulations running on large supercomputers. He is a student of Saurabh Bagchi, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering. Laguna has worked with scientists at one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s labs, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, developing his techniques for simulations running on large supercomputers and applying them to glitches encountered by scientists in their applications. The fellowship honors exceptional doctoral students who have shown potential for impact in high-performance computing research.
  • September 2011: Saurabh starts his sabbatical at IBM Research in Austin. He is working on a new project that brings mobile computing together with enterprise compute environments for achieving various tasks, such as, system management and information dissemination.
  • August 2011: DCSL welcomes a new member, Paul Wood, to the group. Paul graduated from Tennessee Technological University in 2010 with a BSEE, and has worked in the utility and food and beverage industry as an electrical design and controls engineer. He is currently pursuing a PhD with research in the areas of sensor networks and embedded systems.
  • July 15, 2011: Nina has successfully defended her Masters thesis titled “CarChat: A Vehicular Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Data Dissemination Protocol.” She is now headed to Google in Mountain View. [Abstract]
  • July 2011: We have a paper in Sensys 11. This is work by Matt on hardware-assisted debugging of an embedded node without causing any perturbation to the application running on the node. [pdf]
  • July 12, 2011: Saurabh gave a presentation on recent work in our group on debugging in large-scale systems at Microsoft Research, Redmond. [Slides]
  • June 14, 2011: Our work with Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) on scaling up our DSN 10 tool for error detection and bug localization to large-scale clusters has been accepted to the Supercomputing ’11 conference. [Abstract] [Pdf]
  • May 2011: DCSL member, Nina Baker, will be joining Google in September after finishing her Masters.
  • May 2011: Bowen has received a travel award for attending HPDC and presenting his paper there.
  • February 21-22, 2011: DCSL played host to about 25 researchers in dependability from all over the world for the DSN Program Committee meeting. A panel discussion was organized on February 22 on emerging challenges in dependable computing.


  • November 2010: We have a new project sponsored by Northrop-Grumman on configuration of intrusion detection sensors for estimating the security state in enterprise distributed systems. The project will support 1 student plus faculty time.
  • October 2010: There is a new post-doctoral position opening in DCSL for the MDA project (please see news item below). If you are a PhD graduate in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, have a strong research record in computer modeling and cyber security, are a US citizen or a permanent resident, take a look. [Announcement in pdf] [Announcement in html]
  • October 12, 2010: We have been awarded a 3 year project by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) of the Department of Defense titled “Agent-based Enhanced C2BMC Architecture”. C2BMC stands for Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications. The project is aimed at developing architectures for command and control of missile defense systems as part of the Enhanced C2BMC Program of MDA. It involves Dan DeLaurentis of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering at Purdue as the PI and Saurabh Bagchi as the co-PI. Here is a news story that Purdue has just done on our grant.
  • April 2010: Saurabh Bagchi was awarded the Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) “Outstanding Professor Award” for 2010. The award was presented at the Spring Banquet and is given to one faculty member from ECE.
  • January 6, 2010: We will be featuring “Fireside Research Chats” a section where DCSL researchers will talk in segments of about 5-10 minutes of their latest research. We start this off with Saurabh talking of the research project on diagnosis of failures in parallel applications, in which DCSL researchers Ignacio and Saurabh are partnering with Lawrence Livermore National Lab.


  • October 31, 2009: Saurabh and Gaspar are participating in the NSF NEES project. This is the largest grant ever won at Purdue. The National Science Foundation created the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) to improve our understanding of earthquakes and their effects. NEES is a shared national network of 14 experimental facilities, collaborative tools, a centralized data repository, and earthquake simulation software. Together, these resources provide the means for collaboration and discovery in the form of more advanced research based on experimentation and computational simulations of the ways buildings, bridges, utility systems, coastal regions, and geomaterials perform during seismic events.Purdue will be running the operations of NEES for 2009-2014. Our role in this is for ensuring the cybersecurity of NEES assets here at NEEScomm (the headquarters, here at Purdue) as well as at the 14 sites through the US. You can find the press release upon the announcement of the NEES award and the announcement of the NEES team at the following URLs: “
  • August 11, 2009: DCSL is looking for two Graduate Research Assistants to start in Fall, working on two sponsored research grants. The first grant is on Error Detection in High Throughput Distributed Applications, and the second grant is on Diagnosis in Wireless Embedded Systems with Customized Hardware Support (joint work with Prof. Vijay Raghunathan). Take a look at the position announcement and contact Prof. Bagchi if you are interested and fit the bill. [Position announcement]Update: These positions have been filled.
  • August 8, 2009: Yu-Sung Wu (Hank) walks at the commencement ceremony. He is off to National Chiao-Tung University as an Assistant Professor in their Computer Science department.
  • August 5, 2009: Saurabh addresses a panel at the UIUC Wireless Summer School. The panel is on “Future Directions in Wireless Research”. The summer school’s web page is here. Saurabh’s slides are available from the Presentations page [html].
  • July, 2009: DCSL has papers accepted at top conferences. Our work on time synchronization in wireless sensor-actuator network is accepted for Sensys (Jinkyu and Rajesh), stateful error detection in high throughput distributed applications in Middleware (Ignacio and Fahad), reliable execution of long-running applications through the use of checkpointing in Purdue’s Condor cluster for SuperComputing (Tanzima), and adaptive multi-grade security monitoring in embedded networks in MASS (Matt). Our SuperComputing paper is one of four papers nominated for the best student paper award. Look in our publications page for all these papers.
  • May, 2009: Several DCSL-ers are off to exciting research-oriented internships. Ignacio has been interning since February at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) in the Institute for Scientific Computing Research (ISCR). He is working on error detection and diagnosis in large-scale parallel programs. Gaspar is going to HP Labs in Princeton, NJ; Rajesh to Bosch Research and Technology Center in Palo Alto, CA; and, Matt is off to BBN Technologies in Cambridge, MA. We wish them a productive summer mixed with a lot of fun.
  • May 1, 2009: Saurabh has been elected a Senior Member of ACM. The Senior Member Grade recognizes those ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous Professional Membership who have demonstrated performance that sets them apart from their peers. There were 162 recipients in 2008.
  • April 22, 2009: Saurabh has been nominated as a full member of Sigma Xi, the honor society of research scientists and engineers. The motto of Sigma Xi is “Spoudon xynones”, which in case your Latin is rusty means “Companions in Zealous Research.” Membership in Sigma Xi is by nomination and full membership is conferred upon any individual who has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investigator in a field of pure or applied science or engineering.
  • April 16, 2009: DongHoon Shin has won a travel award from Mobihoc 09. The conference will be held in New Orleans, LA from May 18-21 and DongHoon will present his paper on May 20. The award was on the basis of an essay submitted by DongHoon, a letter of recommendation from Saurabh, and an evaluation of the quality of the paper.
  • March 24, 2009: Yu-Sung Wu (Hank) has been awarded the CERIAS Diamond award. This is awarded to students who have really excelled in their work at CERIAS and for a combination of scholarship and service. He was given the award during the CERIAS Security Symposium held March 24-25, 2009.
  • March, 2009: DCSL has two papers accepted at prestigious conferences – USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ’09) (Acceptance rate: 32/191 = 16.8%) and DSN (Acceptance rate: 63/260 = 24.2%). Check the publications page for details.
  • December 22, 2008: Two of our papers have been accepted for the upcoming IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom) 2009. The acceptance rate was 282/1435 = 19.7%
  • November 26, 2008: Prof. Bagchi will be organizing a workshop on intrusion-tolerant systems called WRAITS, to be held with DSN 09 in Lisbon, Portugal on Jun 29-Jul 2, 2009. The co-organizers are Miguel Correia (U. of Lisbon) and Partha Pal (BBN Technologies). The workshop is called “Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems”. Here is the web site of the conference.
  • August, 2008: DCSL welcomes three new students – Amiya Maji (BS Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur), Salmin Sultana (BS Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), and Aditi Gupta (BS and MS Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur). They are working on the following projects: Amiya – Secure services for healthcare, Salmin – Security architecture for mobile OSes, and Aditi – Intrusion response in distributed applications.
  • June, 2008: DCSL has four papers accepted at prestigious conferences – RAID (Acceptance rate: 20/80 = 25%), SRDS (2 papers) (28 of 112 = 25%), and SecureComm (26 of 124 = 21%). Check the publications page for details.
  • May 9, 2008: Gaspar wins scholarship to attend the Cyber Security for Process Control Systems Summer School. This was organized by the Information Trust Institute of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The summer school was held at the Abbey Resort on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 16-20, 2008.
  • April 15, 2008: Saurabh’s promotion to the position of Associate Professor with tenure has been confirmed by the University Board of Trustees. The promotion will be effective from August 11, 2008.
  • April 11, 2008: Matt wins the travel grant for attending DSN 2008, the 38th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. He will be going to Anchorage, Alaska for presenting his talk. The conference is June 24-27, 2008.
  • February 1, 2008: Saurabh has been appointed as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). He was appointed by the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mani Srivastava, who is a faculty member in UCLA’s EE department.
  • January 21, 2008: Two DCSL papers are accepted for publication at the 4th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (Tridentcom) to be held Mar 18-20 in Innsbruck, Austria. The first paper is on our deployment of wireless reprogramming in the city of South Bend, along with Emnet LLC. The authors are Rajesh, Issa, Luis (from Emnet), and Saurabh. The second paper is on the fastest software implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on an embedded microcontroller. This is work done with an undergraduate student, Shammi Didla, and Aaron Ault of the Center for Wireless Systems and Applications (CWSA).
  • January 15, 2008: JinKyu Koo has joined DCSL. He has an MS in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (2002-04) and a BE in Electrical Engineering from Korea University (1998-2001). JinKyu will be working on distributed reputation systems with Profs. Lin and Bagchi. He will also be working on an Indiana 21st Century Project on middleware for a wireless mesh network that DCSL is deploying in the city of South Bend in association with Emnet LLC.


  • December 22, 2008: Two of our papers have been accepted for the upcoming IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom) 2009. The acceptance rate was 282/1435 = 19.7%
  • November 26, 2008: Prof. Bagchi will be organizing a workshop on intrusion-tolerant systems called WRAITS, to be held with DSN 09 in Lisbon, Portugal on Jun 29-Jul 2, 2009. The co-organizers are Miguel Correia (U. of Lisbon) and Partha Pal (BBN Technologies). The workshop is called “Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems”. Here is the web site of the conference.
  • August, 2008: DCSL welcomes three new students – Amiya Maji (BS Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur), Salmin Sultana (BS Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), and Aditi Gupta (BS and MS Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur). They are working on the following projects: Amiya – Secure services for healthcare, Salmin – Security architecture for mobile OSes, and Aditi – Intrusion response in distributed applications.
  • June, 2008: DCSL has four papers accepted at prestigious conferences – RAID (Acceptance rate: 20/80 = 25%), SRDS (2 papers) (28 of 112 = 25%), and SecureComm (26 of 124 = 21%). Check the publications page for details.
  • May 9, 2008: Gaspar wins scholarship to attend the Cyber Security for Process Control Systems Summer School. This was organized by the Information Trust Institute of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The summer school was held at the Abbey Resort on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 16-20, 2008.
  • April 15, 2008: Saurabh’s promotion to the position of Associate Professor with tenure has been confirmed by the University Board of Trustees. The promotion will be effective from August 11, 2008.
  • April 11, 2008: Matt wins the travel grant for attending DSN 2008, the 38th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. He will be going to Anchorage, Alaska for presenting his talk. The conference is June 24-27, 2008.
  • February 1, 2008: Saurabh has been appointed as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). He was appointed by the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mani Srivastava, who is a faculty member in UCLA’s EE department.
  • January 21, 2008: Two DCSL papers are accepted for publication at the 4th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (Tridentcom) to be held Mar 18-20 in Innsbruck, Austria. The first paper is on our deployment of wireless reprogramming in the city of South Bend, along with Emnet LLC. The authors are Rajesh, Issa, Luis (from Emnet), and Saurabh. The second paper is on the fastest software implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on an embedded microcontroller. This is work done with an undergraduate student, Shammi Didla, and Aaron Ault of the Center for Wireless Systems and Applications (CWSA).
  • January 15, 2008: JinKyu Koo has joined DCSL. He has an MS in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (2002-04) and a BE in Electrical Engineering from Korea University (1998-2001). JinKyu will be working on distributed reputation systems with Profs. Lin and Bagchi. He will also be working on an Indiana 21st Century Project on middleware for a wireless mesh network that DCSL is deploying in the city of South Bend in association with Emnet LLC.


  • November 30, 2007: Saurabh serves as a panelist at the UIUC Information Trust Institute (ITI) Annual Workshop. He served on the panel titled “Systems”. His talk is here.
  • November 20, 2007: The wireless network designed and developed by DCSL member Rajesh Panta is successfully deployed at Purdue’s Ross-Ade Football Stadium and collected data for 3 game days. The sensor nodes collected temperature, sound level, light, and acceleration data while the cameras captured the lines in front of the concession stands. The network was deployed in the north concourse area of the stadium. Some details of the deployement together with pictures are here.
  • August 20, 2007: DCSL welcomes new PhD student, Tanzima Zerin Islam. She will be working with Professors Bagchi and Eigenmann on fault tolerant execution of applications on grid-like shared distributed environments. Tanzima comes from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. She has won awards at the national and regional levels of the ACM Programming Contest.
  • July 27, 2007: Hank (Yu-Sung Wu) is Chorafas award finalist. 
    The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation was founded in 1992 at the initiative of Prof. Dimitris N. Chorafas. Each year, the Foundation awards more than 20 universities prizes of $4,000 to stimulate promising young researchers. The criteria for the award are that the research subject must cover one of the areas of Medicine, Family planning, Medical informatics, Nanotechnology, Environmentology, Biotechnology, Risk management, New financial instruments, Information technology, Knowledge technology, Telecommunications, Business administration, Workplaces of the future, Energy, Water treatment, or Healthcare. The candidate’s research should be in an applied area and the research should preferably already be in an advanced stage (third or final year of the PhD graduation track). Hank was a finalist for this award and for the College of Engineering Best Dissertation award.
  • July 18, 2007: DCSL is awarded a grant from NSF’s Cybertrust program. The grant is joint with Profs. Zhiyuan Li (Computer Science) and Yung-Hsiang Lu (Electrical and Computer Engineering). The grant titled “Compiler-Enabled Adaptive Security Monitoring on Networked Embedded Systems” for $400,000 will support three students and will last for 3 years. It will develop techniques for compiler inserted checks for security errors in resource constrained embedded systems.
  • June 28, 2007: Prof. Bagchi is invited to give a talk at the summer meeting of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance. It was held near Edinburgh, Scotland. The talk was on the security implications of covert timing channels in networked systems (slides).
  • June 25, 2007: Prof. Bagchi presented the work on security in sleep-wake aware wireless networks at DSN (Dependable Systems and Networks) held in the Edinburgh International Conference Center (slides). The paper was co-authored with Issa Khalil and Ness Shroff.
  • June 22, 2007: Both our papers submitted to SRDS have been accepted. The papers were on the Monitor project and dealt with sampling for detection in high throughput streams and evaluation of diagnosis applied to a three-tier e-commerce system. The co-authors are Gunjan Khanna, Ignacio Laguna, Fahad Arshad, and Saurabh Bagchi. The acceptance rate for the conference was 15%. The conference will be held in Beijing Oct 10-12, 2007.
  • June 11, 2007: The second DCSL PhD student, Gunjan Khanna, defends his PhD final thesis. The thesis is titled “Non Intrusive  Detection and Diagnosis of Failures in High Throughput Distributed Systems”. Gunjan is set to join McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm. Here are his thesis abstract, thesis, and final presentation slides.
  • May 1, 2007: DCSL gets involved with e-Stadium
    E-Stadium “A Living Lab” is a partnership among ITaP, Purdue’s Center for Wireless Systems and Applications (CWSA), and Intercollegiate Athletics. To facilitate real world learning, Purdue has created the concept of the “living laboratory.” The living laboratory uses the “city” of Purdue University as a unique environment for experimentation while serving in its traditional role. The goal of e-Stadium is to provide a practical learning experience for Purdue students in the analysis, architecture, design, and application development for wireless networking technologies. As a result, Boilermaker football fans participating in the project will enjoy an enhanced fan experience while at Ross-Ade Stadium. As part of the project, DCSL-ers Rajesh Panta and Prof. Bagchi are building a hybrid sensor network-image network for sensing different physical parameters at the Ross-Ade Stadium during game day. These would include sound to perform coordinated cheering contests among different parts of the stadium; finding out the length of the line at the concession stands, using image sensors; and determining crowd movement, which may indicate an emergency situation.
  • Mar. 15, 2007: Our papers are accepted for DSN and HPDC. The DSN paper is on providing security in multi-hop wireless networks that use sleep-wake scheduling and it was one of 24 papers accepted out of a total of 94 submitted to the PDS track. The HPDC paper is on failure-aware checkpointing in non-dedicated storage systems. The acceptance rate at HPDC was 20%. The conferences will be in June in Edinburgh and Monterey Bay , CA respectively.
  • Mar. 10, 2007: We are starting work on a distributed intrusion detection system for Voice over IP applications under a new contract from Avaya Inc.
  • Mar. 2, 2007: Prof. Bagchi gave a talk at UT Austin Computer Science on our work on reliability in grid systems. This is joint work with Joanne ( Ren ) and Prof. Rudi ( Eigenmann ). [ Presentation ]


  • Dec. 14, 2006: First DCSL PhD graduate – Issa Khalil. His thesis topic is “Mitigation of Control and Data Traffic Attacks in Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks”. His thesis abstract is here and his entire thesis is here.
  • Nov. 17, 2006: DCSL PhD student Gunjan Khanna wins award from IBM for attending the IBM PhD Symposium at the 4th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) to be held in Chicago from December 4-7, 2006. He is going to present his paper titled “Self Checking Protocols: A Step towards Providing Fault Tolerance in Services” based on his PhD research.
  • Nov. 14, 2006: Our paper on sensor network reprogramming gets accepted into the 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom 2007) to be held in Anchorage, Alaska in May 2007. The authors are Rajesh Panta and Issa Khalil. 252 out of about 1400 papers were accepted giving an acceptance rate of about 18%
  • Sep. 7, 2006: Prof. Saurabh Bagchi gave a talk in the ECE graduate seminar on correlation based intrusion detection and its application to Voice over IP application.
  • Sep. 5, 2006: New National Science Foundation (NSF) project on securing ad hoc networks by neighborhood monitoring awarded through NSF Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) program. We have a new student in DCSL working on the project – DongHoon Shin.
  • Sep. 1, 2006: DCSL wins funding from NSF NeTS program for lightweight intrusion detection and isolation in ad hoc wireless networks.
  • Aug. 23, 2006: DCSL research group meetings in Fall 2006 will be held on Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 in MSEE 239. Welcome Gaspar Modelo Howard to the security project and Matthew Tan Creti to the sensor testbed project.
  • Jul. 2, 2006: Prof. Saurabh Bagchi delivered a presentation at the summer meeting of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance in Annapolis, MD. The presentation outlined our recent work on intrusion tolerance in the face of uncertainties. [ Presentation ]
Last modified: October 30, 2016