Next-generation Human-systems and Cognitive Engineering Lab

NHanCE members at 2024 HFES Conference

Five attendees were: Dr. Brandon Pitts (Lab Director, Associate Professor in IE), James Parkinson (Ph.D. Candidate), Ph.D. students: Jing Zang, Myeongkyu Lee, and Gen Li. Myeongkyu received best paper award from the STTG and K-HFES. Jing received HFES student member with honor.
No upcoming events.
Welcome to the Next-generation Human-systems and Cognitive Engineering Lab!

The rapid development of smart technologies and autonomous systems continues to change humans’ roles, expectations, perceptions, and task demands within human-machine systems. At the same time, the demographics of system users who interact with and may benefit from these technological advancements is evolving.

The overall goals of the NHanCE Research lab are to (1) understand how human operators in a wide range of complex transportation, work, and home environments (such as driving, aviation, manufacturing, and healthcare) interact with various next generation technologies and to (2) enhance their performance through interface (re)design. We do so through a series of human-subject experiments. In addition, we have particular interests in aging populations, as they represent the fastest growing age group worldwide. Our areas of research include human factors, cognitive ergonomics, human-automation interaction, multimodal/multisensory information presentation, context-sensitive interface design, and gerontechnology (i.e., aging and technology).

If you are interested in joining the NHanCE lab, please contact:

Dr. Brandon J. Pitts
Associate Professor
Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering
Purdue University

315 N. Grant Street
Grissom Hall Room 288
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Tel.: 765-49-40062
Fax: 765-49-47693