Using Social Network Analysis to Measure Social Pressure
Funding Source of Project:
Duration of the Project:
September 2009 - present
Description of Project:
Social Presence is known for enhancing quality of online learning and giving positive impact on student’s learning outcome. However, additional to existing social presence instrument, past studies have emphasized that social presence requires other methods in order to rigorously capture the nuances of social presence in an online course.
The purpose of this project was to introduce a theoretical framework for a recently modified instrument, which combines Social Network Analysis with the assessment of Social Presence. Network Analysis (SNA) is the field that measures the quality of relationships within social situations. Social presence measurements and SNA have the potential to complement each other. Overall, the modified instrument from this project demonstrates more nuanced aspects of social presence in the classroom and so is a meaningful extension to existing instruments.
Dr. Johannes Strobel
Graduate Students:
Jea H. Choi
Choi, J. H. & Strobel, J (2012). Validation of a Modified Instrument: Using Social Network Analysis to Measure Social Presence. Proceedings of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (13 pages).
National Conference Presentation:
Choi, J. & Strobel, J. (2011). Social Network Analysis as a Measurement of Social Presence. Paper presented at round table in 2011 AECT International Convention, Jacksonville, FL.
Choi, J. H. & Strobel, J (2012). Validation of a Modified Instrument: Using Social Network Analysis to Measure Social Presence. Paper presented at the 2012 AERA Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Local Conference Presentation:
Choi, J. (2011, March). Social Network Analysis as a measurement of Social Presence. Presentation at 5th Annual Graduate Student Educational Research Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN