Lower Age: | 8 |
Upper Age: | 12 |
Website: | https://www.makeblock.com/pages/mbot-robot-kit |
Price: | $89.99 |
Year Added: | 2024 |
Amazon URL: | https://a.co/d/1d0W8nA |
Product Video: | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-tYKjSC34s |
Are you looking for a robot that can match current programming experience and help a child in your life advance their coding skills? Look no further than Makeblock’s mBot! This versatile and durable robot is designed to do just that. All the necessary materials to assemble the mBot's body and connect the electrical components are included, along with a remote control and various sensors for programming. To get started, you’ll need a computer for online coding and/or a device to download Makeblock’s app, a CR2025 battery for the remote, and either 4AA batteries or the mBot Li-polymer battery to power the robot. Once assembled, there are multiple pre-set modes for children to explore. For coding, children can use the online platform or Makeblock’s user-friendly app. Additionally, Makeblock offers a wealth of digital resources and coding challenges to help advance children’s programming skills. mBot has earned its place in this year’s Top 10 because of its ease of use and interactive, adaptable nature, making it a fantastic toy and learning tool for programmers of all skill levels. -Reviewer Virginia Hawkins
Framework Categories
Processes of Design (POD)
Engineering Thinking (EThink)
Communication related to Engineering (Comm-Engr)
Moore, T.J., Glancy, A.W., Tank, K.M., Kersten, J.A., Smith, K.A., & Stohlmann, M.S. (2014). A framework for quality K-12 engineering education: Research and development. Journal of Precollege Engineering Education Research, 4(1), 1-13.