How to Explain Coding to a Grown-Up

Author: Ruth Spiro
Lower Age: 4
Upper Age: 8
Price: $17.99
Year Added: 2023
Amazon URL:
The book makes complicated programming topics accessible through the lens of a child explaining coding to an adult.
Many adults and even engineers struggle to understand programming. However, the book How to Explain Coding to a Grown-Up by Ruth Spiro makes complicated programming topics accessible through the lens of a child explaining coding to an adult. Functions are summarized by playing on a playset, while algorithm flowcharts are interspersed among the beautiful illustrations. Driving home core engineering competencies of computational thinking, logical thinking, and problem-solving, this beautifully written and illustrated book will be fun and informative for children and adults alike. ― A.R. Miller, Purdue Reviewer

Framework Categories

Apply SEM Knowledge (SEM)
Issues, Solutions, and Impacts (ISI)
Communication related to Engineering (Comm-Engr)
Processes of Design (POD)
Computational Thinking
Engineering Tools and Processes (ETool)

Moore, T.J., Glancy, A.W., Tank, K.M., Kersten, J.A., Smith, K.A., & Stohlmann, M.S. (2014). A framework for quality K-12 engineering education: Research and development. Journal of Precollege Engineering Education Research, 4(1), 1-13.