Smartivity Music Machine

Lower Age: 8
Upper Age: 108
Price: $52.99
Year Added: 2022
Smartivity Music Machine
This build-it-yourself music machine kit by Smartivity is a great way to introduce the design process to kids.

Before even touching a piece, users gain a great understanding of the mechanics inside of the music machine. Users are walked through the process of building the machine and the mechanics such as the turning gears that spin the machine. After it is built, users can also design their own music and practice pattern identification and observation by placing pegs on the wheel to change the resulting tunes. A great toy to combine an interest in music with interest in design and other STEM topics. - D. C. Coble, Purdue Reviewer

Framework Categories

Engineering Thinking (EThink)
Processes of Design (POD)
Spatial Reasoning

Moore, T.J., Glancy, A.W., Tank, K.M., Kersten, J.A., Smith, K.A., & Stohlmann, M.S. (2014). A framework for quality K-12 engineering education: Research and development. Journal of Precollege Engineering Education Research, 4(1), 1-13.