Jason Morphew

Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
Mailing Addresses
Office: ARMS ARMS 1305; Research Lab WANG 3521A
Phone: (765) 494-3887


Dr. Morphew is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. His research is multidisciplinary, spanning engineering education, discipline-based education, cognitive psychology, and technology. He has contributed to research in a number of areas important to learning in science, engineering, and math disciplines including embodied cognition, metacognition, self-regulated learning, augmented-reality enhanced learning environments, and computer-adaptive assessment.

He is passionate about teaching students. He believes that learning is a constructive process where students actively integrate new experiences with existing knowledge, beliefs, and conceptual understanding through authentic participation. Because of this he approaches teaching and mentoring individually, meeting each student where they are at, to help them achieve their individual goals.



Lincoln, NE USA


Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S., Educational Psychology, Wichita State University
B.S., Natural Science Education, University of Nebraska

Research Interests

Dr. Jason Morphew's research focuses on the application of principles of learning derived from cognitive science and the learning sciences to the design of technology-enhanced learning environments. His research builds on design principles to examine the impact of educational technologies on student learning, interest, engagement, and metacognition in STEM. Specifically, his research examines the impact of augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and microelectronics on student learning, metacognition, interest, and motivation.

Selected Publications

Lindgren, R, Morphew, J.W., Kang, J., & Junokas, M.J. (2019). An embodied cyberlearning platform for gestural interaction with cross-cutting science concepts. Mind, Brain, and Education, 13, 53-61.

Morphew, J.W., Mestre, J.P., Chang, H-H., Kang, H-A., & Fabry, G. (2018). Using computer adaptive testing to assess physics proficiency and improve exam performance in an introductory physics course. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14, 020110. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.14.020110

Nip, T., Gunter, E. L., Herman, G., Morphew, J. W., & West, M. (2018). Using a computer-based testing facility to improve student learning in a programming languages and compilers course. In Proceedings of the ACM Special Interests Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’18). Baltimore, MD. DOI: 10.1145/3159450.3159500.

Junokas, M.J., Lindgren, R., Kang, J., & Morphew, J.W. (2018). Enhancing multimodal learning through personalized gesture recognition. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34, 350-357. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12262

Mestre, J.P., & Morphew, J.W. (2017). New wine in old bottles: “Repurposed” methodologies for studying expertise in physics. In B.H. Ross (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 67, pp. 1-34). New York: Academic Press.

Morphew, J.W., Mestre, J.P., Ross, B.H., & Strand, N.E. (2015). Do experts and novices direct attention differently in examining physics diagrams? A study of change detection using the flicker technique. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 11(2), 020104. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.11.020104.

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Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding Teaching in Engineering Recognition (2024)
  • College of Engineering Faculty Excellence Award in Early Career Teaching (2024)
  • ASEE Best Research Paper Award (Professional Interest Council III) (2023)
  • Outstanding Teaching in Engineering Recognition (2023)
  • ENE Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2022)
  • Favorite Faculty Award Nomination (2022)
  • Outstanding Teaching in Engineering Recognition (2022)
  • Outstanding Teaching in Engineering Recognition (2020)

Fun Facts

When not working, Dr. Morphew enjoys hiking, kayaking, cooking, and playing with his children.