The complexities of instructional change: Using a System Dynamics Modeling approach to bridging research to practice

Event Date: November 16, 2017
Speaker: Juan Cruz
Speaker Affiliation: PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech, Engineering Education; and
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Universidad Javeriana in Bogota Colombia
Sponsor: Student Exchange Seminar; ENE's Todd Fernandez is presenting at Virginia Tech
Time: 3:30 - 4:20 PM
Location: ARMS B071
Priority: No
School or Program: Engineering Education
College Calendar: Show
Juan Cruz
For decades we have been hearing the calls for change in Engineering Education towards increasing the pedagogical quality of our learning environments.

However, the different strategies that Universities have taken to promote instructional change still have low to moderate success. The purpose of this talk is to briefly discuss why these change efforts have not been highly successful and to introduce a different approach to instructional change that accounts for the complex nature of academia. Using the lessons of System Dynamics, I will introduce the concept of feedback loops, list some prominent barriers and drivers to change, and explore with the participants how the interactions between different elements of the academic system could promote or hinder the motivation to adopt effective teaching practices. The goal is to help the participants learn some basic notions of System Dynamics and use these notions to increase their understanding of change in academia.


Juan M. Cruz M.Ed. is an assistant professor in the Department of Electronics Engineering at Universidad Javeriana in Bogota Colombia, and a Ph.D. Candidate in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. His research focus is on instructional change in engineering education. During his 15 years of experience in Academia, he has been a professor, an electronics laboratory Manager, the head of the undergraduate program, and the leader of the Faculty Development program at the School of engineering at Universidad Javeriana.