Problem Solving: Expert-Novice Comparisons and How They Can Inform Teaching

Event Date: September 8, 2016
Speaker: Kathleen Harper
Speaker Affiliation: Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Education, Ohio State University
Time: 3:30 - 4:20 PM
Location: Armstrong B071
Priority: No
School or Program: Engineering Education
Kathleen Harper
Kathleen Harper

A classic struggle in STEM education is helping students develop better problem-solving skills.  Instructors sometimes voice frustration at particular habits students cling to or their reluctance to attempt approaches recommended by the instructor.  Fortunately, studies in science education and cognitive science have yielded rational explanations for many of these novice behaviors and lay a groundwork for instructors to aid their students in beginning to develop more expert-like skills and behaviors.  A few examples of these studies, as well as curricular tools that have developed as a result, will be shared.  These tools not only encourage students to try more expert-like strategies, but also prime them for developing conceptual understanding.