Product Design Engineering: Teaching at the Intersection of Industrial Design and Mechanical

Event Date: August 31, 2017
Hosted By: School of Engineering Education
Time: 3:30 - 4:20 PM
Location: ARMS B071
Open To: All Welcome
Priority: No
School or Program: Engineering Education
College Calendar: Show
Dr. Charlie Ranscombe, Assistant Professor in Product Design Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Australia
Product Design Engineering is a 20 years strong multidisciplinary engineering program blending Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering.

In this seminar, Charlie Ranscombe, Assistant Professor in Product Design Engineering from Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, Australia) will discuss:

  • The degree itself and how the two disciplines are blended.
  • The different educational approaches adopted to account for the mixing of traditional disciplines.
  • Projects and outcomes in industry collaborations and humanitarian engineering.
  • How initiatives in the classroom have articulated to research projects.


Charlie’s original training and qualification is in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bath UK. Over the last 10 years He has transitioned into Industrial Design as a practicing designer and subsequently his PhD also obtained at the University of Bath. Charlie has been lecturing at Swinburne in the department of Architectural and Industrial design since 2013 where he now holds the position of coordinator for the Product Design Engineering degree. His research interests lie broadly in studying the influence of new design technology on the processes and activities of designers.