Integrating Community-Centered Practices in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Learning Environment - Seminar

Event Date: April 19, 2012
Speaker: Dr. Cordelia M. Brown
Speaker Affiliation: Purdue Schools of Engineering Education and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Time: 3:30pm
Location: Forney G-124

Advancing the state of learning in engineering is a recognized challenge at the national level, as evidenced by the multitude of publications produced by the National Academy of Engineering, the IEEE, and the ASEE. The research reported in this presentation explores the development of pedagogical enhancements to improve in a significant and measurable way student learning in electrical and computer engineering. The pedagogical enhancements presented in this seminar will range from the development of learning models to specific pedagogical changes in electrical and computer engineering courses to enhance community within the learning environment.

This seminar will begin with  the introduction of national initiatives and recommendations on learning in engineering, followed by an overview of various learning theories and examples of engineering learning models. In particular, an innovative three-phase learning model that has been applied in Electrical and Computer Engineering will be discussed. Several specific projects that are currently being explored will also be presented. The seminar will conclude with a discussion of future work and the potential impact of that work on retention and education quality in electrical and computer engineering.

Cordelia M. Brown, Ph. D., is an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Engineering Education at Purdue University. She earned her M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Vanderbilt University, and her B. S. degree from Tuskegee University in Electrical Engineering. Her research interests are in the development of learning models, assessment of instructional methods, laboratory design, cooperative learning, steer-by-wire, and retention and recruiting issues in STEM education.