SEMINAR: Indigenous Engineering: Learning from Sustainable Practices

Event Date: January 17, 2013
Speaker: Dr. Johannes Strobel, Director of INSPIRE and Assistant Professor in Engineering Education, and
Justin Hess, Graduate Research Assistant in Engineering Education
Time: 3:30-4:20pm
Location: ARMS B071
Contact Name: Dr. Alice Pawley
Contact Email:

What are sources for sustainable design and engineering? The presentation showcases an exploration into an unlikely space for inspiration: indigenous or ethno engineering defined as a method of defining and solving complex issues with constantly evolving deep experiential knowledge of the environment, without utilization of modern mathematics and western science and technology, relying on bottom-up management, practicing resourcefulness, and being contingent upon a holistic worldview. The presentation sketches contentions around defining indigenous engineering and provides examples from different cultures.

Johannes Strobel is Director of INSPIRE, Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning, and Assistant Professor of Engineering Education & Learning Design and Technology at Purdue University. NSF and several private foundations fund his research. His research and teaching focuses on policy of P-12 engineering, how to support teachers' innovative practice and students' academic achievements through engineering learning, the measurement and support of change of 'habits of mind', particularly in regards to empathy and care and the use of cyber-infrastructure to sensitively and resourcefully provide access to and support learning.