Open Access: Perspectives from the Purdue Libraries and the Purdue University Press

Author: Alice Pawley
Event Date: April 9, 2009
Speaker: Beth McNeil, Mark Newton, Bryan Shaffer
Speaker Affiliation: Purdue Libraries, Purdue e-Pubs, Purdue Press
Sponsor: ENE
Time: 3:30-4:30
Location: ARMS B071
Contact Name: Alice Pawley
Contact Phone: 6-1209
Contact Email:
Open To: Faculty, staff, students, visitors
Open access is “the dissemination of scientific and scholarly research literature online, free of charge, and free of unnecessary licensing restrictions” [1] and is a subject of great interest to many: librarians, faculty, researchers, and publishers.   While opinions on the success of and future sustainability of  open access publishing vary, recent studies show that open access increases research impact and accelerates research.    Panel members will discuss open access and describe efforts currently underway at the Purdue Libraries and Purdue Press.    

[1] SPARC website,

Beth McNeil is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor at Purdue.  Her publications and presentations focus on issues relating to library management and scholarly communication.  She joined Purdue in August 2007.
Mark Newton is Digital Collections Librarian and Assistant Professor at Purdue.  Mark advocates for open access everyday with his work on Purdue’s e-Pubs repository.    
Bryan Shaffer is currently Acting Director and Production & Design Manager and has worked for the Purdue University Press since July 1997.  The Purdue University Press  currently publishes 5 OA journals