Seminar: Machines, Gardens and Code

Event Date: February 26, 2015
Speaker: Dr. Shannon McMullen & Fabian Winkler
Speaker Affiliation: Electronic and Time-Based Art (ETB) Program, Department of Art and Design
Purdue University
Time: 3:30-4:20pm
Location: B071
In this talk, McMullen and Winkler will discuss their artistic and interdisciplinary collaborative practices as faculty in the Electronic and Time-based art program. Through a presentation of three current projects – Soybots, the Algorithmic Gardener and 20/x – they will describe their approach to/strategies for generating images, interactions and conversations around emergent technologies and cultural imaginaries.

Through a presentation of three current projects – Soybots, the Algorithmic Gardener and 20/x – they will describe their approach to/strategies for generating images, interactions and conversations around emergent technologies and cultural imaginaries.


Shannon McMullen and Fabian Winkler (McMullen_Winkler) are interdisciplinary artists and researchers combining their backgrounds in new media art and sociology to produce collaborative artworks that often combine sound, image, code and installation to create temporary new social spaces, investigate relations between nature and technology or comment on absurdities in contemporary culture. They have been working together as an artist duo since 2006. Their work has been shown internationally at venues such as VISAP ’14 in Paris, France, the China Museum of Science and Technology; Rathausplatz Singen, Germany; Wade, Toronto, Canada; Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Korea; ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany and the Spark Festival, Minneapolis, USA. They have also published articles in Leonardo Journal (MIT Press, forthcoming) Plurale – Zeitschrift für Denkversionen (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany), Media-N (Journal of the New Media Caucus), Journal of Senses and Society (Berg Publishers) and the Environmentalist (Springer, New York). Their large-scale investigation of “Images of Nature” at the intersection of art, engineering and science was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Shannon McMullen is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Art and Design and the Program in American Studies. Fabian Winkler is an Associate Professor of Art and Design. They co-direct the area of Electronic and Time-Based Art at Purdue University.