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CRISP researcher Laith Sakka gives talk at Computer Engineering graduate seminar

CRISP researcher Laith Sakka gives talk at Computer Engineering graduate seminar

Event Date: September 21, 2016
Priority: No
CRISP graduate researcher, Laith Sakka, working with Prof. Milind Kulkarni, gave a talk on his work on increasing the concurrency level of tree traversals. His talk was at the Computer Engineering graduate seminar series on September 21.

Fusing General Recursive Tree Traversals

Series of traversals of tree structures arise in numerous contexts: abstract syntax tree traversals in compiler passes, rendering traversals  of the DOM in web browsers, kd-tree traversals in computational  simulation codes. In each of these settings, a tree is traversed  multiple times to compute various values and modify various portions of the tree. While it is relatively easy to write these traversals as separate small updates to the tree, for efficiency reasons, traversals  are often manually fused to reduce the number of times that each portion of the tree is traversed: by performing multiple operations  on the tree simultaneously, each node of the tree can be visited fewer times, increasing opportunities for optimization and decreasing cache pressure. This fusion process is often done manually, requiring careful understanding of how each of traversals of  the tree interact. This paper presents an automatic approach to traversal fusion: tree traversals can be written independently, and then our framework analyzes the dependences between the traversals to determine  how they can be fused to reduce the number of visits to each node  in the tree. A critical aspect of our framework is that it exploits two  opportunities to increase the amount of fusion: i) it automatically  integrates code motion, and ii) it supports partial fusion, where portions of one traversal can be fused with another, allowing for a reduction in node visits without requiring that two traversals be fully  fused. We implement our framework in Clang, and show across a  series of compiler passes written in C++ that our framework can  automatically enable a significant reduction in the number of visits to the nodes of an AST, and in traversals with data reuse can substantially improve performance.


Laith Sakka is a second year PhD student, Working with professor Milind Kulkarni in PLCL group, his research interests spans through different layers of computer systems, right not his focus is on optimizing recursive traversals .He got his BSc degree in computer engineering from Princess Sumaya University in Jordan. You contact him at