Somali Chaterji receives NSF CAREER award
Somali Chaterji receives NSF CAREER award
Event Date: | January 6, 2022 |
Sirius makes machine learning (ML) feasible for the Internet of Small Things (IoST) world by creating a compute fabric that is adaptive to cyber and physical conditions, providing prompt actuation while being resilient to failures.
“We live in an increasingly sensorized world generating a deluge of streaming data, both low- and high-bandwidth,” said Chaterji, who also serves as director of the Innovatory for Cells and Neural Machines (ICAN) and on the leadership team for WHIN (Wabash Heartland Innovation Network) Digital Ag. “An example of high-bandwidth data is video from drone surveillance. Leveraging data effectively from this continuum of sensors, static and mobile, we can convert data to decisions. This can go a long way in solving the food and ecological problems faced by the planet today.”
The grant of $550,000 comes from the Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Program and is meant for the period February 2022-January 2027.
A full story on this achievement can be found at: