Chad T. Jafvert
Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP 3145D
Phone: (765) 494-2196
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1985
M.S., University of Iowa, 1982
B.S., Iowa State University, 1979
Research Interests
Environmental water chemistry, drinking water treatment in developing countries, surface water quality, environmental remediation, real-time water quality monitoring
Selected Research Projects
- Co-PI with Timothy Filley and others, Arequipa Region Soil Vulnerability, Impairment, and Health Assessment UNSA (Universidad Nacional de San Agustin), Arequipa, Peru, 2018-2021.
- PI with T. Filley (co-PI), UNSA Nexus II: Seasonal Heavy Metal Concentrations in Streams in the Arequipa Region, UNSA (Universidad Nacional de San Agustin), Arequipa, Peru, 2019-2021.
- Co-PI with Andrew J. Whelton, Blast Furnace Slag Leaching, Indiana Department of Transportation, 5/6/2019- 11/5/2020.
- Co-PI with Amisha Shah (PI) and Zhi (George) Zhou, Water Defluoridation Systems, Shah Family Global Innovation Lab, Global Engineering Program, Purdue University, 7/1/2021-7/1/2022; Award amount: $30,000
- PI, Ford Foundation Fellowship for Taymee Ann Marie Brandon, Ford Foundation (Note: Taymee Brandon {Ph.D. student} was the author of the Fellowship Application), 09/01/2021 to 08/31/2022.
- Co-PI with Abigail Engelberth (PI) and Cliff Johnston, Upcycling Spent Railroad Ties into a Value-Added Biochar to Improve Water Quality, The Indiana Rail Road Association, 10/15/2020 - 02/28/2022.
Teaching Activity
CE 296/396/496 - Constructed Wetlands/Water Quality
CE 554 - Aquatic Chemistry in Environmental Engineering
CE 350 - Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CE 559 - Water Quality Modeling
CE 497C - Physico-Chemical Principles of Environmental Engineering
Honors & Awards
- Fellow, Purdue University Teaching Academy, inducted in 2017. Typically five faculty each year are inducted under the auspices of the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (of the total number of approximately 1,900 faculty members at Purdue University).
- AEESP Outstanding Publication Award (2017), this national award was given by the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), for the 1992 paper entitled, "Reaction Scheme for the Chlorination of Ammoniacal Water," published in Environmental Science and Technology 26(3): 557-586. The purpose of this award is to recognize the authors of a "landmark environmental engineering and science paper that has withstood the test of time and significantly influenced the practice of environmental engineering and science."
- Inductee, Book of Great Teachers, Purdue University, 2018. The Book of Great Teachers honors outstanding teaching faculty who have demonstrated sustained excellence in the classroom, with approximately 50 faculty members inducted every 5 years from the total number of approximately 1,900 faculty members at Purdue University.
- Outstanding Faculty Mentor, selected by the graduated students in Environmental and Ecological Engineering, as recognized by the College of Engineering Graduate Program at Purdue University, 2019-2020, awarded April 2021.
- Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Education (E4) Award. This national award is granted to an educator who has made a significant contribution to the profession of environmental engineering in the area of educating practitioners. The award is jointly administered by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) and the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), awarded in 2022.
- Fellow, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), inducted in 2022.
Selected Publications
- Chen, Ming, Chad T. Jafvert, Yichen Wu, Xiaoquang Cao, Nicholas Hankins, "Inorganic anion removal using micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF), modeling anions distribution and improvement of MEUF: A review", Chemical Engineering Journal DOI:, Vol. 398, October 15, 2020.
- Weiner, Maria Julia, Sebastian Moreno, Chad T. Jafvert, Loring F. Nies, "Time Series Analysis of Water Use and Indirect Reuse within a HUC-4 Basin (Wabash) over a Nine Year Period (2008-2017)", Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), DOI:, June, 738:140221, 2020.
- Sendesi Teimouri, Seyedeh Mahboobeh, Yoorae Noh, Md Nurrudin, Brandon E. Boor, John A. Howarter, Jeffrey P. Youngblood, Chad T. Jafvert, Andrew J. Whelton, "An Emerging Air Pollution Mobile Source: Outdoor Plastic Liner Manufacturing Sites Discharge VOCs into Urban and Rural Areas", Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, DOI: 10.1039/d0em00190b, 22:1828-1841, 2020.
- Huang, Kaibo, Jiahao Liang, Chad T. Jafvert, Sishuo Chen, Xueqin Tao, Mengyao Zou, Zhi Dang, Guining Lu, "Effects of ferric ion on the photo-treatment of nonionic surfactant simulated washing waste containing 2,2',4,4'-terabromodiphenyl ether", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 415:125572, DOI:, 2021.
- Ji, Yi, Chad T. Jafvert, Fu Zhao, "Recovery of cathode materials from spent lithium-ion batteries using eutectic system of lithium compounds", Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 170:105551, DOI:, 2021.
- Ccanccapa-Cartagena, Alexander, Betty Paredes, Corina Vera, Elizabeth J. Olson, Nadezhda N. Zyaykina, Timothy R. Filley, Chad T. Jafvert, "Occurrence and probabilistic health risk assessment (PRA) of dissolved metals in surface water sources in Southern Peru", Environmental Advances, 5:100102,, 2021.
- Zhu, Tengyi, Wenzuan Chen, Chad T. Jafvert, Dafang Fu, Haomiao Cheng, Ming Chen, Yajun Wang, "Development of novel experimental and modelled low density polyethylene (LDPE)-water partition coefficients for a range of hydrophobic organic compounds", Environmental Pollution, 291:118223,, 2021.
- Ji, Yi, Edwin E. Kpodzro, Chad T. Jafvert, Fu Zhao, "Direct recycling technologies of cathode in spent lithium-ion batteries", Clean Technologies & Recycling,, 1(2):124-151, 2021.
- Zhu, Tengyi, Wenzuan Chen, Yuanyuan Gu, Chad T. Jafvert, Dafang Fu, "Polyethylene-water partition coefficients for polychlorinated biphenyls: Application of QSPR predictions models with experimental validation", Water Research,, 207:117799, 2021.
- Noh, Yoorae, Brandon E. Boor, Jonathan Shannahan, Cary Troy, Chad T. Jafvert, Andrew J. Whelton, "Emergency responder and public health considerations for plastic sewer lining chemical waste exposures in indoor environments", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 422:126832, DOI:, 2022.
- Alvarez-Campos, Odiney, Elizabeth J. Olson, Marty D. Frisbee, Sebastian A. Zuniga Medina, Jose Diaz Rodriguez, Wendy R. Roque Quispe, Carol I. Salazar Mamani, Midhuar R. Arenas Carrion, Juan Manuel Jara, Alexander Ccanccapa-Cartagena, Chad T. Jafvert, Lisa R. Welp, "Evidence for high-elevation salar recharge and interbasin groundwater flow in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (Copernicus Publications), 26(2):483-503, DOI:, 2022.