CCE Industry Connections

The Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering welcomes the opportunity to team with industry to provide students resources to find internships, co-ops and career opportunities, and we are here to help you connect. Please feel free to call or email us.

Brandon Fulk Brandon M. Fulk, PE
The Walsh Group Director of Internships

Rabita Rajkarnikar Rabita Rajkarnikar, MURP, MSCMT, AICP
Senior Internship Program Manager & Lecturer

Upcoming Employer Days

The following companies are eager to visit with you for various opportunities they have available or coming up at their locations (internships, co-op, and/or full-time)! So mark your calendars, grab your resume and plan to stop by to visit face-to-face!

Not currently seeking any sort of position? That’s okay too! The representatives still want to chat with you about the industry and more. This is a great way to start to grow your network, learn more about civil engineering, gain the best feedback on your resume, or even practice that elevator pitch!

Internships and Co-Ops

Internships allow you to experience several different employers over the course of your time at Purdue. The duration of an internship experience is typically one semester, often during the summer.

Cooperative Education (Co-Op) takes this a step further, enabling you to alternate semesters between working full-time with a company, and attending classes. Not only do you get a proper salary, but you also get months of real-world experience and a strong connection to a potential future employer!

Our corporate partners influence, develop, and sustain a civil and construction engineering program that makes a global impact.

Our Partners

Barton Malow Logo
Bigane Paving Logo
GCI Logo
Holder Logo
Pankow Logo
Related Logo
Traylor Logo
project collaboration

Together we'll continue to educate and strengthen the next generation of engineering leaders.

CCE students benefit from corporate sponsorships and participation in a variety of ways—including connecting with your company for career and academic advice.

A strategic growth initiative has identified immediate and ongoing needs that will strengthen and propel global advancement and our continued success. Our generous corporate sponsors provide support, insight, and development in the following areas:

CCE Student Education/Experience

  • Student organizations
  • Community service projects
  • Senior design projects
  • Internship program
  • Development of new courses
  • Technology upgrades
  • Visiting lecturers and guest speakers

CCE Faculty Recruitment and Retention

  • Early career faculty development
  • Funding for national and international conference travel and participation

CCE Student Recruitment Efforts

  • Participation in campus events
  • Strategic and targeted marketing efforts

Thank you for influencing and guiding the next generation of civil and construction engineers.