Bowen Lab Students Receive Honors at 1MSSTC

Graduate students from Bowen Laboratory attended the 1st Midwest Smart Structures Technology Colloquium in Grafton, Illinois, held on October 31, 2015.

Graduate students from Bowen Laboratory attended the 1st Midwest Smart Structures Technology Colloquium in Grafton, Illinois, held on October 31, 2015. This colloquium provided a unique opportunity for these students to meet and interact with an elite group of peers who are performing research on establishing smart structures capabilities in civil and mechanical engineering. Three Purdue University students were awarded best presentation awards, including:

2nd place, "Gaby" Ge Ou, Model Updating in Hybrid Simulation,
4th, place, Daniel Gomez, Human-Structure Interaction Effects in Bridges,
6th place, Chul Min Yeum, What Does the Image Tell You?