Strand Associates, Inc. Employer Day

Author: Kathy Heath
Event Date: September 21, 2023
Time: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Location: Hampton Wood Commons
Contact Name: Kathy Heath
Contact Phone: 765-494-2157
Contact Email:
Open To: All CE students and FYE students interested in learning more about CE
Priority: No
School or Program: Civil Engineering
College Calendar: Hide

This employer is eager to visit with you for various opportunities they have available or coming up at their locations (internships, co-op, and/or full-time)! So mark your calendar, grab your resume and plan to stop by to visit face-to-face!

Not currently seeking any sort of position? That’s okay too! The representatives still want to chat with you about the industry and more. This is a great way to start to grow your network, learn more about civil engineering, gain the best feedback on your resume, or even practice that elevator pitch!