Emily Lazo-Wasem — researching what she loves

Emily chose civil engineering because of her love of science and nature. Growing up, Emily was surrounded by the woods where she developed a deep appreciation for the beauty and importance of the environment.

Hometown: Redding Ridge, Connecticut

Current year: Senior

Emily is a member of  Purdue ASCE.
Emily is a member of  Purdue ASCE.

Why I chose Civil Engineering

I chose civil engineering because of both my love of science and nature. Growing up, surrounded by the woods, I developed a deep appreciation for the beauty and importance of the environment. When I was kid, I knew I wanted to do something related to science and after I saw a documentary on how engineers in Chicago were working to construct tunnels and reservoirs to both protect and sustain the city and the surrounding environment, I became incredibly interested in following the same path.

Emphasis area

I chose environmental engineering because I love being outdoors and I want to help both protect the environment and find the best ways for society to co-exist with nature.

Emily joins her fellow students at the 2018 Lyles School of Civil Engineering scholarship banquet.

Volunteer work

In addition to my studies, I also devote much of my time to encouraging other young girls with an interest in engineering to find their passion. I think it is incredibly important to nurture young girls’ interest in the STEM fields early and meet with women who have already walked that path so they have someone to look up to and aspire to be like.

After I graduate

I plan to pursue my Master’s Degree in the fall. I want to further my studies so that when I leave school, I’ll have the knowledge and experience necessary to make a lasting impact on the world, right away.

Ever since she was a child, Emily has loved to visit national parks and landmarks.
Ever since she was a child, Emily has loved to visit national parks and landmarks.