CE Undergrad Spotlight — Elliot Cram
Hometown: Texas City, Texas
Current year: Junior

Elliot Cram is a member of the Purdue Climbing Club where he helps coordinate climbing events and competitions.
Why I chose Purdue Civil Engineering
I spent most of my life living in Toronto, Canada and knew I wanted to study in the United States. From there, I researched which university had the best engineering programs and Purdue University had everything I was looking for. Once I decided to come to Purdue, I quickly realized civil engineering was what I wanted to pursue. I am particularly interested in the boundary between building design and the environment.
Emphasis area
Right now, I am leaning toward Architectural Engineering. I am interested in designing healthy and sustainable building spaces as well as how to retrofit existing structures.

One of the reasons why Elliot says he came to Purdue was because of all events and activities students can participate in outside of class.
Purdue Climbing Club
I have built an amazing community at Purdue through rock climbing. I never climbed before college but quickly became engaged with the sport through the Purdue climbing wall, where I now work as a staff member. Through Purdue Climbing Club and my work at the Corec, I help coordinate events in the climbing community including trips and competitions. Overall, it’s been a great experience and I’ve made so many friends over the years here through it.
After I graduate
After I earn my Bachelor’s degree next year, I will be staying for one more year to earn my Master’s through Purdue Civil Engineering’s 4+1 Program. I really appreciate that Purdue has this program as it will allow me to earn my grad degree earlier, as well as build up industry expertise to apply to my career.

Elliot Cram says he is studying civil engineering because he wants to build sustainable buildings that exist in harmony with its surrounding environment.