CE Undergrad Spotlight — Ava Curry
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Current year: Junior

Ava Curry said she chose to study at Purdue because of its strong programs and its social atmosphere.
Why I chose Purdue Civil Engineering
I was always a bit of a Lego kid, so I’ve always just had a natural interest in engineering as a whole and learning about how things work and are built. When I came to Purdue University, I wasn’t sure which school of engineering I would choose, but after my First Year Engineering classes, and learning more about civil engineering and how crucial it is to both society and the environment, I knew this was the choice for me.
Emphasis area
I am leaning towards hydraulics and hydrology as my emphasis area. Water is just so important to both the environment and society and I would like to be involved in a field that addresses an important need for both.

Ava said she chose to study civil engineering because of how crucial it is to both society and the environment.
Caring for the Boilermaker Special
One of the student organizations I am involved with is the Purdue Reamer Club. I believe we’re oldest spirit club at Purdue and one of our main responsibilities is taking care of the Boilermaker Special. It’s been a lot of fun to travel with it to away games and see how excited everyone gets when the train goes by. It’s just been an overall incredible experience for me and I am so happy I joined.
After I graduate
As of now, I plan to enter the professional field after I graduate. I think I may come back and seek a graduate degree later, but for now I want enter into the industry where I hope to be involved in large-scale projects.

Ava is a member of the Purdue Reamer Club.