Rosalie F. Morgan

BSCE 1977
Rosalie Flack Morgan was born in Beech Grove, Indiana. Her father, Jack, was a construction expeditor and salesman; her mother, Shirli, worked in the local bank. When she began second grade, her parents and five siblings moved to Port Washington, Wisconsin. Fulfilling a promise made to her grandmother when she was 12, she returned to Indiana and attended Purdue to study engineering.
Morgan worked for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as a student intern several summers and gained valuable experience, along with her first hardhat and work boots. Upon graduation from Purdue she joined Donohue and Associates of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, as part of the Milwaukee Water Pollution Abatement Program. In 1983, following in the footsteps of her entrepreneurial parents, she founded EMCS, Inc. (Engineering Management Consulting Services). More than 25 years later, the firm includes an office in Wausau, Wisconsin, and 40 employees. It has helped to deliver many key Wisconsin projects, including Miller Park, 6th Street Viaduct, I-94 North/South Freeway, General Mitchell International Airport, Wausau West Arterial, and the award-winning Marquette Interchange.
Morgan is extremely proud of the education she received at Purdue. She loves the traditions and strong Purdue values and has appreciated the ongoing relationships with members of the Purdue family.
She is active in Wisconsin's engineering and business communities. Appointed by former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, she served on the Wisconsin Department of Commerce Finance Board for 13 years. She is a past president of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers.
Morgan married her high school sweetheart, Jeffrey Morgan (BSIM 1978), in 1977. They have three children: Melissa (BA Communications 2003), Michael (BA Sociology 2006), and Mackenzie, a junior in the Krannert School of Management.