Charles A. Miller

BSCE 1957
President (Retired)
Diamond Construction Co.
Miller was born and raised in the town of Elvaston, Ill. - population 200. He graduated from Hamilton (Illinois) High School in 1952 and planned to enter the University of Illinois that fall, but, due to injuries suffered in an automobile accident in August, he was unable to attend. His father did not survive the accident.
He was able to enroll at a local school, Carthage College, in January 1953. That fall he transferred to Purdue University and enrolled in civil engineering. Miller was active in ROTC through his sophomore year and attended Ross Survey Camp during the summer of 1955.
After graduating in January 1957, Miller returned home to work in the family road construction business, the W.L. Miller Co. His father had started the business with a 7-ton truck and a conveyor in December 1945. In 1976, Miller joined Diamond Construction Co., a road construction company also started by his father. He became president of Diamond Construction, a company specializing in asphalt paving, and continued there until his retirement in 2001. Three generations of the Miller family have led the company, and most recently son Greg has served as president.
In addition to his professional role, Miller has served as a director of the Keokuk (Iowa) Area Hospital and as a director of the Hamilton Savings and Loan.
In 1987, after the state of Illinois decided to use full-depth asphalt on new highway construction, Diamond was awarded a project on I-72, one of the first two projects awarded in state. In 1992-93, Diamond contracted with the state to construct two experimental projects: One an asphalt overlay using rubberized asphalt and the other an asphalt overlay using stone matrix design asphalt. The Illinois Asphalt Paving Association presented Miller with the "Most Active Contractor of the Year" award.
While a student at Purdue, Miller married his high school sweetheart, Anna Mae McMillen. This year they will celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary. They have a daughter, Ann (Titus); two sons, Greg and Scott; and three grandchildren. Their family has a total of nine Purdue degrees.
Miller, his son Greg and grandson Nick are the only living three-generation Purdue civil engineers.