Robert W. Holden II

BSCE 1990, MSCE 1992, Ph.D. 1999
Vice President
Wessler Engineering, Inc.
"Being successful at work is far easier if you are successful at home. Never forget the real priorities in life."
Robert (Bob) Holden is an Indiana native, born to Bob and Miriam Holden in Columbus, IN. His father is a Purdue graduate and imparted a life-long passion for Purdue on his son, beginning at the age of three. Bob has always had an interest in all things mechanical that led to his desire to study engineering. After graduating from Plainfield High School in 1986, he enrolled in the only university he applied to: Purdue.
During his freshman year, Bob enrolled in civil engineering with a desire to pursue an environmental engineering major. Bob graduated from Purdue with his BSCE in 1990 and entered graduate school to pursue his Masters. After graduation in 1992 with his MSCE, Bob married his wife, Bobbie, and they moved to Philadelphia. After working in air pollution consulting for two years, Bob and Bobbie came back to Purdue so he could complete his PhD and she could earn a degree in pharmacy. They both graduated in 1998.
Bob’s career has been significantly impacted by three Purdue professors: Dr. Ronald Wukasch, Dr. Loring Nies and Dr. Robert Jacko. Ron Wukasch provided an education in wastewater treatment and encouragement to attend graduate school. Loring Nies introduced new ideas and the idea that you should challenge the accepted. Bob Jacko served as his major professor and has been a mentor and friend throughout his career.
After graduation in 1998, Bob worked in the consulting engineering industry in Indianapolis. Focusing on wastewater engineering, Bob said he has been fortunate to work on wastewater plants throughout the state and region.
As a design engineer, project manager and principal, Bob has been responsible for over $300 million-worth of constructed wastewater infrastructure. He is especially proud of leading the two largest capacity increase projects in the state of Indiana at the Belmont and Southport Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Bob currently serves as Vice President and the head of the wastewater group for Wessler Engineering in Indianapolis. He and his wife have been married for over 25 years and have two sons, Rob and Tim.