Frederick A. Herget

BSCE 1980, MSCE 1982
Arsee Engineers, Inc.
The only son of a chemical engineer and an elementary school teacher, Fritz Herget came to Purdue from Littleton, Colo. He earned both bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering with majors in transportation and structures. In 1982, he joined the staff of the consulting engineering firm Arsee, founded by Bob Crooks (BSCE 1958, MSCE 1959, CEAAA 1993). Herget now serves as president of Arsee, a position he has held since 2002.
Forensic analysis, repair and design of building facades became Herget's passion especially if the building was "historic." To date, he has worked on more than 600 structures throughout the eastern half of the United States, including 10 National Landmarks and more than 60 buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places. He was appointed engineering chair of the Indiana Historic Courthouse Commission by Governor Mitch Daniels.
Some of Herget's most satisfying work has come on many college and university campuses where he has helped maintain the built environment. This has included more than 125 projects for his beloved Boilermakers. He has also lectured to engineering classes at Purdue and historic preservation classes at Ball State University.
He credits Bob Crooks and former partner Lee Modlin as his greatest engineering mentors. In turn, Herget now enjoys mentoring the young, emerging talent of the next generation but still looks forward to more engineering adventures ahead.
Herget met his wife, Kathy, while an undergrad at Purdue. She is the smart one in the family, having graduated with a degree in chemistry in only 3 1/2 years. They have four wonderful children, a lovely daughter-in-law, a strapping future son-in-law and two dogs. Four of the kids and one of the dogs attended Purdue. Herget enjoys golf, fishing, cigars and making "not-so-fine wine."