Stacy Bartoletti

BSCE 1991
President & COO
A native of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Stacy Bartoletti is not afraid to steer off the beaten path. Efficient from an early age, he circumvented an assigned project in his high school English class, writing a Purdue application essay instead. To his good fortune, Purdue accepted him as an early applicant, and he never applied to another school.
At Purdue, Bartoletti focused his civil engineering studies on structures and performed a co-op program with CH2M Hill, where he gained insight into the world of engineering consulting. Joining Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, he developed leadership skills, becoming president his senior year.
CH2M Hill's practice of only hiring structural engineers with advanced degrees prompted Bartoletti to earn his MS in engineering at the University of Texas. At UT, however, Bartoletti was introduced to earthquake engineering and quickly decided to specialize in the burgeoning field. His advisor, Professor James Jirsa, helped direct Bartoletti to Degenkolb Engineers, one of the nation's leading structural engineering firms in the design and seismic strengthening of buildings.
Since joining the firm in 1993, Bartoletti has launched two branch offices; led a team studying, designing, and constructing more than $100 million worth of seismic upgrades for a major client; testified before Congress on seismic safety issues; and been named to Building and Design magazine's 40 under 40.
A leader in his field, Bartoletti has been actively involved in the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup (CREW), the Washington Seismic Safety Committee, American Council of Engineering Companies, Structural Engineers Association of Washington, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Washington State Society of Healthcare Engineers. He also helped develop the CREW Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Scenario, designed to minimize loss of life and property from regional earthquakes through collaboration between scientists, critical infrastructure providers, businesses, and governmental agencies.
A seasoned strategist with a proven record for strengthening customer relationships, managing projects effectively, and streamlining operations, Bartoletti currently serves as chief operating officer and president for Degenkolb. In these positions, he oversees the firm's operations and business development efforts while continuing to provide expert guidance and mentoring to engineers as a technical leader. In January 2011, Bartoletti will officially become CEO.
Bartoletti lives in Seattle, Washington, with his wife of 14 years, Laura, and two sons, Alex, 10, and Austin, 8.