Civil and Construction Engineering welcomes our alumni and friends.

Since Purdue's opening in 1874, Purdue has spurred the advancement of the civil engineering profession, pioneering in transportation, materials, structures, land surveying, construction, and environmental engineering. The Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering continues to lead as we take up the challenges of the 21st century. New technology, industry's demand for design and team experiences in the curriculum, the increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research, along with other changes, affect how we educate our students and perform our mission of discovering new knowledge.

Getting involved is your opportunity to give back to the school in ways that further our mission and vision, connect with fellow alumni, enhance our communities, and reach out to students. Contact the CCE main office at (765) 494-2166 for information on how you can support your school. We look forward to hearing from you.

Alumni Spotlights

September 22, 2023

David Restrepo receives NSF CAREER Award

David Restrepo (PhD 2015), Assistant Professor and Endowed Faculty Fellow in Mechanical Engineering at the Univ. of Texas San Antonio, has been awarded a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his groundbreaking work on elastic micro-buckling in periodic architected materials. As a result of this award, Restrepo will receive $641,398 in funding over the next five years.
September 22, 2023

Reza Moini receives NSF CAREER Award

Reza Moini (PhD 2020), Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University, has been awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award to understand and engineer a new generation of concrete composites, inspired by naturally tough materials such as bone and mother-of-pearl, to allow more resilient and efficient infrastructure.
September 6, 2023

Tomas Morales named Indiana Living Legend

Tomas Morales (BSCE 1975), CEO and Co-Founder of Morales Group, Inc., has been named by the Indiana Historical Society (IHS) to the 2023 class of Indiana Living Legends. Each year, IHS recognizes extraordinary Hoosiers for their local, statewide and national accomplishments in a variety of areas and disciplines.
August 15, 2023

Ryan Sherman receives AISC's 2023 Milek Fellowship

Ryan Sherman (MSCE 2009, PhD 2016), Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has received the American Institute of Steel Construction's 2023 Milek Fellowship for his research exploring 3D printing as an attractive, economically viable option for large-scale structural steel projects.
June 22, 2023

Steven Osborn receives Lifetime Achievement Award from TAP Indy

Steven P. Osborn, PE, SE (BSCE '78), Founder and President of CE Solutions, Inc. and chair of the Civil Engineering Advisory Council, received the Trade Association Professionals (TAP) Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and made an outstanding contribution to the A/E/C industry in central Indiana.
June 15, 2023

John Brand receives 2023 ACEC Indiana President's Award

Congratulations to John Brand (BSCE '83), President of Butler, Fairman & Seufert, for receiving the 2023 President's Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana. The award recognizes devotion to the betterment of the business of consulting engineering.
February 21, 2023

Doug Owen elected to National Academy of Engineering

Douglas M. Owen (BSCE '80), senior principal at Stantec, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering for contributions to drinking water quality, expansion of potable reuse and integration of sustainability in water treatment plant design.
February 6, 2023

James Rowings receives 2023 OPAL Award

James E. (Jim) Rowings (BSCE 1975, MSCE 1979, Ph.D. 1982) has been honored by ASCE with the 2023 Outstanding Projects and Leaders (OPAL) award for innovation and excellence in construction of civil engineering projects and programs.
January 10, 2023

John Davis elected International Vice President of ITE

John Davis (BSCE '82, MSCE '87) was elected as the 2023 International Vice President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) starting January 1, 2023. He is also nominated to be elected as ITE International President with the term starting on January 1, 2024.
September 23, 2022

Rick Conner joins National Academy of Construction

Willis "Rick" Conner, PE, SE (BSCE 1976) has been elected to the National Academy of Construction. Established in 1999, NAC recognizes industry leaders from across the U.S. who demonstrate exceptional leadership and service with a continued commitment to innovation.
August 25, 2022

Kevin Fitzpatrick joins National Academy of Construction

Benesch President and CEO Kevin Fitzpatrick, PE (BSCE 1985) has been elected to the National Academy of Construction. Established in 1999, NAC recognizes industry leaders from across the U.S. who demonstrate exceptional leadership and service with a continued commitment to innovation.
August 16, 2022

Siddharth Saksena receives AWRA Ivan Johnson Award

Dr. Siddharth Saksena (MSCE '14, PhD '19), Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech, has received the A. Ivan Johnson Award for Young Professionals presented by the American Water Resources Association.
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