CE 299 Summer Course: Developing Tomorrow's Infrastructure
Over the summer, high school students from around the world came to Purdue University for its weeklong civil engineering course: Developing Tomorrow's Infrastructure. Throughout the week, the students learned about how civil engineers change the world and the critical role they will continue to play in the future.
Over the summer, high school students from around the world came to Purdue University for its weeklong civil engineering course: Developing Tomorrow’s Infrastructure. Throughout the week, the students learned about how civil engineers change the world and the critical role they will continue to play in the future.
The students also toured campus; met with faculty at Hampton Hall and Bowen Laboratory; and participated in several projects where they solved puzzles, worked as a team and gained a better understanding of how civil engineers approach a challenge.
View photos and video from the 2023 CE 299 summer course at https://purduece.exposure.co/ce-299-developing-tomorrows-infrastructure-2023