A conversation with John Brand — President of Butler, Fairman & Seufert

Every year, Butler, Fairman & Seufert (BF&S) contributes to and matches employee giving to the EXCEL Fund in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering. The company and employees have been contributing to Purdue CE for about a decade.

Every year, Butler, Fairman & Seufert (BF&S) contributes to and matches employee giving to the EXCEL Fund in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering. While gifts are encouraged throughout the year, there is special attention and excitement during Purdue Day of Giving. The EXCEL Fund provides direct support for Purdue's efforts to develop outreach programs for K-12 students, recruit outstanding high school students to study civil engineering, and support current students as they move into their professional careers. These engagement programs help potential students and parents understand the essential role of civil engineering in our world and provide a compelling reason to join the profession.

What sparked the idea to participate as a company?

JB: I grew up in Lafayette and graduated from Purdue CE. I've had a wonderful career and I feel it's important as a company headquartered in Indiana that we give back and encourage students to stay in Indiana when they graduate. There are so many CE career opportunities in the state and I view BF&S's contributions as an important way to help young people discover civil engineering and realize they can have a very rewarding career right here in Indiana.

How many years has BF&S contributed to the EXCEL Fund?

JB: The company and employees have been contributing to Purdue CE for about a decade now. We have given to various funds in the past, but several years ago, we began focusing on the EXCEL Fund. When Purdue Day of Giving started, one of the CE development officers suggested that we participate. It's a fun way to increase employee involvement while also focusing on the EXCEL Fund.

What benefits do you see for BF&S?

JB: The need for engineers over the next 10 years is growing rapidly. I view BF&S's participation in the EXCEL Fund not only as a rewarding way for the company and employees to give back but as a practical investment in workforce development. Civil engineers make communities better through their work. It's a very gratifying career! Helping students and parents understand, explore and ultimately decide on a career in civil engineering is a good thing. By contributing to the EXCEL Fund, more people learn about civil engineers and the impact they have in their communities and worldwide. Our hope is that our contributions to the EXCEL Fund help to increase interest in CE, bring more diversity to the profession and ultimately increase the pipeline of civil engineers who choose to live and work in Indiana. In strictly business terms, the rate of return on our investment is invaluable. We are contributing to the future of our young people.

For more information about opportunities for you or your company to donate to Purdue CE, please contact the Civil Engineering Development Office at 765-494-1437 or civildev@prf.org.