Q&A with Purdue soccer player Alexis "Lexi" Marks

Alexis "Lexi" Marks, a junior in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, just finished her third season as a defender on the Purdue University women's soccer team. Marks says that soccer and engineering have been her passions ever since she was a child, and the fact she is able to pursue both at Purdue is a dream come true. She sat down with us for a Q&A.

Alexis "Lexi" Marks

Alexis “Lexi” Marks, a junior in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, just finished her third season as a defender on the Purdue University women’s soccer team. Marks says that soccer and engineering have been her passions ever since she was a child, and the fact she is able to pursue both at Purdue is a dream come true.

She sat down with us for a Q&A.

Why did you choose civil engineering as your major?

I’ve always been interested in coastal and environmental engineering, and I knew Purdue has one of the best engineering programs in the world. So, I knew it would be a great choice to pursue my degree. Then, during my freshman year, I was able to learn more about the Lyles School of Civil Engineering and how well it matched with what I wanted to do.

What do you see yourself pursuing as a career?

I have always been interested in studying natural disasters and how we both respond to and prepare for them. I would love to work on building safer infrastructure and studying how cities rebuild after a disaster.

So you haven’t considered a professional soccer career?

(laughs) No, no — I haven’t. I love soccer, and I’ve been playing for years. But I definitely want to be a professional engineer.

How has your experience been on the Purdue women’s soccer team?

It’s been great. It’s a lot of hard work, of course, but it’s really been great. I love my teammates and my coaches — and the fan support we get is incredible. It’s also a little like living out a childhood dream.

Playing collegiate soccer was a longtime dream?

Definitely. I remember having a conversation with my parents back in middle school. I told my parents this was something I wanted to seriously pursue, and they supported me the whole way. From then on, I was playing soccer almost year-round, either for school teams or in clubs.

You’ve been balancing school and athletics for some time now. How has that been at Purdue?

It’s definitely tougher here, but it’s doable. My coaches and professors are all understanding, and they work with me so that I can succeed and never fall behind. You definitely have less time to socialize than regular students, but I manage to find time here and there to enjoy the full college experience.

What has been your most memorable college experience?

That would have to be the 2018 Purdue vs. Ohio State football game, when we blew them out 49-20 at home. It was a night game, the stadium was packed and everyone was just going insane the whole time. It was something I’ll never forget.