Greetings From Don Fry, Chief Development Officer

Don Fry
Welcome to the party! A rare moment is upon us at Purdue: a convergence in time that compels us to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and imagine what the future holds for our University and the Lyles School of Civil Engineering.

Welcome to the party! A rare moment is upon us at Purdue: a convergence in time that compels us to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and imagine what the future holds for our University and the Lyles School of Civil Engineering.

Our yearlong sesquicentennial celebration is underway with the “Giant Leaps” theme inspired by our own Neil Armstrong’s historic statement on the moon almost 50 years ago. It’s a year that allows us to address the challenges and opportunities ahead and to update our land-grant mission for the 21st century and beyond. This anniversary theme also invites each of us, whatever our pursuits may be, to take “giant leaps” of our own.

Last but not least, 2019 marks the conclusion of “Ever True: The Campaign for Purdue University,” the largest fundraising effort in Purdue history. Thanks to your generosity, the future looks bright for the Lyles School of Civil Engineering. Through your private giving and personal involvement, we will surpass our goals with flying colors, gold and black. Thank you!

As this campaign comes to an end, I’m reminded of an old story you may have heard that pretty well captures the Purdue spirit I’ve witnessed and felt over the years:

Three masons are working at a construction site. A curious passerby asks: “What are you doing?” The first man says: “I am laying bricks.” The second man says: “I am building a wall.” The third worker stops whistling a happy tune, looks skyward and exclaims: “I’m building a cathedral!” To put a Purdue spin on the tale, if the third worker is a Purdue civil engineer, he or she will figure out how to build it one brick higher!

Truth be told, everyone has probably been each of the three masons at one time or another. Of course, the moral to the story is that whatever we do depends on the way we look at it. Having a compelling vision, a worthwhile mission and a lofty common purpose can elevate the way we work and the way we do it. Campaigns can do that. They can unite and inspire us to help create something bigger than ourselves, something good that will serve others down the road.

I’ve been lucky and honored to have served during three campaigns for Purdue, and each one has improved Purdue. Your support has made a difference too, by helping make the Lyles School a leader in educating the best and brightest civil engineering leaders of the future. Thank you!

Enjoy the 150th celebrations, your place in Purdue history, and your role in building a better University “one brick higher.” If our past is any indication, the best is yet to come. And the future starts now!

Hail Purdue!

Don Fry

Chief Development Officer — Lyles School of Civil Engineering
University Development Office — Purdue Research Foundation
Delon and Elizabeth Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering