
Virtual Labs

Professor Sangid is spearheading curricula innovation at Purdue University, by leading the design, development, deployment, and educational assessment of Virtual Labs for widespread, scalable adoption at Purdue University. Virtual Labs provide students (i) a more interactive, innovative, and enriching lab experience, which is manageable and scalable, (ii) opportunities to remotely interact with equipment, and (iii) feedback on experiments. Professor Sangid has implemented these Virtual Labs in his department’s structures undergraduate courses and championed their deployment across 29 courses throughout Purdue.  An overview of the Virtual Labs initiative is provided in the following two links (COE and IL).  And links to a few of the recent press releases are here (PR1, PR2, PR3, and PR4).

Purdue Space Day

Dr. Sangid is the faculty advisor to Purdue Space Day (PSD), which is an existing educational outreach program for students in grades 3-8. Since its introduction in 1996, PSD has grown each year to accommodate over 800 grade-school students per year. The day focuses on active learning approaches to retain grade-school students’ interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Since he started this role as faculty advisor in 2014, over 16,000 grade-school students have participated in the event.  Visit the Purdue Space Day website - here!

Supporting Open Access Facilities

MRI Consortium: Development of High Throughput High Energy Diffraction Microscope
Dr. Sangid was part of a National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation Consortium to develop a High Throughput High Energy Diffraction Microscope at the Department of Energy's Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. The consortium was led by Dr. Bob Suter (CMU). The equipment is openly available. An abstract of this activity is available here.  Dr. Sangid continues to support synchrotron user facilities through involvement in advisory boards and review panels. 

Supporting Peer Reviewed, Archival Journal Publications

Dr. Sangid is one of three co-editors of the International Journal of Fatigue, which is the highest impact and most influential journal in this research subject.  The International Journal of Fatigue focuses on papers that identify new mechanisms that enhance the scientific understanding and associate predictions of fatigue in materials and structures, which may include novel fatigue testing and characterization methods, as well as advanced modeling.  Dr. Sangid handles over 600 manuscripts a year, as part of this service.

ICME-based Education and Short Courses

Dr. Sangid introduce a series of continuing education courses focusing on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). These courses are aimed to deliver the required training to accelerate development, validation, and use of advanced materials and manufacturing processes. In particular, a short course targeted towards non-materials engineers was offered multiple times through the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Also, Dr. Sangid organized the hands-on tutorials of several ICME tools with the TMS (Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society) World Congress on ICME.

Providing Open-Source Tools

The ACME2 group regularly makes many of their tool sets openly available. Please see below for a few of the published computational tools resulting from research within ACME2.