Reading Group

The mailman list for the reading group is “ml-security”. To subscribe, visit:

For Spring 2024, we will be meeting on Thu 12:00-1:30 pm in EE 317.

Feb 15__Own Work
Feb 29SaurabhHow to present evaluation results well
Mar 7, 21Ahaan, __Attacks against GenAI
Mar 14No meeting due to Spring break
Mar 28AdityaOwn work: IoT security
Apr 4, 11Hyunseung, GiorgioSecurity and privacy of AR/VR devices
Apr 18PreetiOwn work: TinyML
Apr 25AryamaanSecurity of decentralized learning
May 2TahaOwn work: In-network analytics

May 9__Distributed ML inferencing

History of DCSL Reading group

2023, 2022, 2016-21, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002

Last modified: April 1, 2024