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Reading Group

Reading Group on Reliable & Secure System Design
2005 - Fall


We will be meeting in room MSEE 239 on Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:00 pm,starting August 25, 2005. This semester, at each meeting we will discuss afocused topic instead of individual papers. The topic will involve multiple papersand the discussion may take 2-3 meetings. One or two students will lead thediscussion on one topic. I will provide an initial list of papers which can actas guide for the topic, but you will find other papers to discuss. This formatwill allow us to get an understanding of a topic, go somewhat in-depth into atopic , and look at different perspectives on the topic. At each meeting, eachstudent should provide in the feedback form, some helpful suggestions to thepresenters . I will also designate one student to be the minute-man/maid to takedown the new ideas that are brought up during the meeting. This can serve as astarting point for a new line of work and papers. I will expect each student topresent at least two new ideas that she finds appealing in the papers and atleast two deficiencies in the papers discussed, at each meeting.

Initial list of topics for thissemester's meetings are:

  1. Robust reputation system in ad hoc networks
  2. Performance debugging in distributedapplications
  3. Cycle sharing systems (e.g., SETI@Home )
  4. Real deployments of sensor networks
  5. Stateful firewalls

We will enjoy the meetings that I am sureof !

Papers Presenter(s)


Aug 25
None Saurabh See internal page
Sep 1

Virtualization on IBM blade servers

Work done by Gunjan over summer at IBM Watson Gunjan Confidential
Sep 6

MAC protocols for sensor networks

  Ravish, Xuan

Presentation 1
Presentation 2

Sep 20

Real deployments of sensor networks

  Issa, Mike Presentation
Oct 4

Cycle sharing systems (e.g., SETI@Home )

  Ahmad, Jagadeesh Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Oct 25

Stateful firewalls

  Bingrui, Hank Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Nov 8

Robust reputation system in ad hoc networks

  Rajesh Presentation

2005 - Spring


We will be meeting in room MSEE 239 onThursdays from 4:30 to 6:00 pm, starting January 13, 2005. This semester, ateach meeting we will discuss a focused topic instead of individual papers. Thetopic will involve multiple papers and the discussion may take 2-3 meetings.One or two students will lead the discussion on one topic. I will provide aninitial list of papers which can act as guide for the topic, but you will findother papers to discuss. This format will allow us to get an understanding of atopic , go somewhat in-depth into a topic, and look at different perspectives onthe topic.

Each person present in the meeting should present at least two points(new ideas, shortcomings in existing ideas, combination of multiple existingideas , etc.) on the topic. Each participant will also give feedback to thepresenter about his/her presentation style. The feedback form is here.

Suggested topics for discussion are: Epidemic based reliable multicast,Fault tolerant execution of parallel programs, Replication for Highly AvailableData , Testing for Security Robustness, Reliability in device driver software.If you are a member of DCSL and want to lead a discussion, send email to me at


  1. To gather ideas, which may help the students in their own research projects in the area.
  2. To make the students comfortable with giving technical presentations and improve their presentation skills.
  3. To provide a background for students interested in pursuing research in the area of dependable computing systems.
Dates Topic Papers Presenter(s)


Jan 13
  Saurabh Presentation
Jan 20

Epidemic based reliable multicast

  Mike, Vinita

Presentation 1
Presentation 2

Mar 3

Fault tolerant execution of parallel programs

  Bryan Presentation
Here is the reading group information from other years:





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Last Update: August 4, 2011 10:35 by GMHoward