November 2017

1. Our work on game theory and distributed security is profiled in a Purdue news story on Nov 15, 2017.

This is work done jointly by Saurabh Bagchi (DCSL), Shreyas Sundaram, and Tim Cason (Economics). Students involved are Mustafa Abdallah and Aritra Mitra, and alum Ashish Hota. The funding comes from the National Science Foundation and Sandia National Lab.

2. Our work on analytics for anomaly detection is profiled in a Purdue ECE news story on Nov 13, 2017.


This is work done by Paul Wood, Research Scientist, and Ashraf Mahgoub, Graduate Student, and Saurabh. The funding comes from Adobe Research and National Institutes of Health (through the R01 program from NIAID).