August 2017

  1. August 2017: DCSL welcomes several new members – Mustafa Abdallah (co-supervised with Shreyas Sundaram – working on NSF project on game theoretic security in CPS), Yi-Shan Lin (deception to improve system security), YiChieh Ho (ML applied to accelerator program performance tuning), and Rakesh Kumar (open data repository for failure and system usage data).
  2. August 2017: DCSL bids adieu to graduating members – Kanak Mahadik (PhD; Adobe Research), Jeff Avery (PhD; Northrop Grumman as a Future Technical Leader), Nawanol Theera-Ampornpunt (PhD; Assistant Professor at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand), Ayush Patwari (MS; Google), Tara Thomas (MS; Apple).
  3. August 2017: DCSL-ers have been busy on the publication front – 2 papers in Middleware, 1 in Securecomm, 2 in Oxford Bioinformatics. All papers can be found from our Publications pages