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Seminars in Hearing Research (10/26/23) - Meredith Christine Ziliak

Seminars in Hearing Research (10/26/23) - Meredith Christine Ziliak

Author: M. Heinz
Event Date: October 26, 2023
Hosted By: Maureen Shader
Time: 1200-100
Location: Zoom
Contact Name: Shader, Maureen J
Contact Email:
Open To: All
Priority: No
School or Program: Non-Engineering
College Calendar: Show
Meredith Christine Ziliak (PhD student, PULSe, BIO) will present "The Effects of Small Arms Fire Like Noise on Hearing Loss and Thalamocortical Processing" at our next Seminars in Hearing Research at Purdue (SHRP) on October 26th at 12-100 in NLSN 1215

Seminars in Hearing Research at Purdue (SHRP)

Date: Thursday, October 26th, 2023
Time: 12pm - 1:00pm
Location: Zoom

Title: The Effects of Small Arms Fire Like Noise on Hearing Loss and Thalamocortical Processing

Speaker: Meredith Christine Ziliak, Doctoral Candidate, PULSe/BIO (Bartlett Lab)

Abstract: Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a prevalent issue among military personnel, primarily attributed to environmental auditory stressors in their environment, notably firearm noise, which consists of repeated, high-intensity bursts of sound. While previous research has investigated the impact of firearm noise on the peripheral auditory system, its influence on the central auditory system (CAS) is still unknown. Therefore, our study aims to identify how firearm-like sounds affects cochlear and CAS structures and processes, specifically within the thalamocortical region. Our hypothesis posits that firearm induced NIHL will elevate auditory thresholds and lead to an overall reduction in middle latency response (MLR) component amplitudes, indicated compromised functionality within the inferior colliculus and medial geniculate body. We exposed subjects to a simulated small arms fire (SAF) noise, and subsequently employed a modified click train to assess the effects of noise exposure on thalamocortical processing over a 56-day period. Our preliminary findings reveal a reduction in all MLR component amplitudes and a loss of peak distinctiveness. Intriguingly, we observed a non-monotonic progression of thalamocortical dysfunction, characterized by phases of initial damage, temporary recovery, and chronic degradation. Future analyses will enable us to compare the progression of thalamocortical processing in response to both NIHL and metabolic-induced hearing loss as we examine the effects of SAF exposure relative to D-galactose exposure.

The working schedule is available here.
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