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Information for Faculty

Requirements for Faculty Mentors:

Mentors of students funded on the Training Grant are expected to:

  • Make a solid commitment to providing mentorship within the Auditory Neuroscience Training Program by enforcing its requirements for student training and participating in hearing-science and neuroscience (PIIN) activities (e.g., seminars, journal clubs, thesis defenses, writing workshops)
  • Ensure that the student’s project falls within the framework of the Auditory Neuroscience Training Program. This will be re-evaluated by the Training Grant Selection Committee prior to approval of funding in the 2nd year.
  • Attend as many hearing seminars each semester as possible, and at least one professional development event annually
  • Attend at least one RCR seminar each semester in which they have a training grant participant, for a total of 4 in a 2-year period (unless already completed)
  • Participate in the yearly RCR discussion during the hearing seminar
  • Participate in a mock grant review the year your student is participating
  • Develop and annually review/revise an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for your student
  • [Assistant Professor mentors]: meet at least yearly with an assigned faculty mentor from the Training Grant senior faculty to discuss relevant topics (e.g., lab management, student training, grant writing, manuscript preparation, etc.)
  • [Assistant Professor mentors]: meet with the Program Directors before taking on a training-grant-funded student to review University resources for new faculty (e.g., ethics and compliance, regulatory affairs, biosafety, human and animal studies policies and procedures, grant writing support, industry partnership opportunities, etc.)

Student-Project Support:

  • Mentors will provide the lab resources and financial support required for the student to complete their thesis project