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Towards Increased Productivity of Biofuels & Chemicals by Metabolic Engineering

Prof. Doraiswami Ramkrishna
H. C. Peffer Distinguished Professor

School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University

A collaborative research program is envisaged between two research groups, one from Purdue University led by Professor D. Ramkrishna with an established record of contributions to modeling of biological systems, and the other from the University of Mexico led by Professor Guillermo Gosset of the University of Mexico with an established experimental program and record of contributions to metabolic engineering for various applications.

The novelty of the proposed research program lies in the development of a genome scale dynamic modeling framework built to meet the challenge of increasing productivities of metabolic products which is beyond the scope of currently available constraint-based methods to metabolic engineering. The Gosset lab is fully equipped with the facilities and research personnel for the extensive complementary experimental effort required to establish the new dynamic framework for applications. The potential for vastly improving the competitiveness of bio-based products from the foregoing collaboration fits well with the goals of the Purdue-Mexico workshop on Sustainability.

Biographical Information

Doraiswami Ramkrishna is the H.C. Peffer Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University since 1994. He received his BSChE from the University of Bombay in 1960, and his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1965. His research interests are in the application of mathematics to chemical and biochemical reaction engineering, particulate processes and biomedical engineering. He has published over 240 papers, two books, directed over 50 graduate students and numerous post-docs. He has numerous AIChE, Distinguished alumnus, AIMBE, Senior Humboldt, and research excellence awards. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.