2011 PGS Workshop & 9th G.A. Leonards Lecture
4:30 p.m., Friday, April 8, 2011
Krannert Auditorium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
New Transalpine Tunnels

Dr. Herbert Einstein
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract of Presentation:
Transalpine transportation in Europe has played an important role since before Roman times. Following modern road building across mountain passes with Napoleon, a major development occurred with railroad tunnels in the second half of the 19th century. A similar major increment in transportation capacity involved highway tunnels in the second half of the 20th century. Railroad "base tunnels," which have been under construction since the 1990's, represent the latest development. These tunnels, many of which have lengths of over 50 km (30 miles), are built to increase capacity and lower the environmental impact of transalpine transportation. The talk will introduce some of the historical background and then focus on the planning and construction of four major rail tunnels (Mt. Ambin/France-Italy, Lotschberg and Gotthard/Switzerland and Brenner/Austria-Italy). Emphasis will be placed on the Gotthard tunnel, the longest of all and nearing the end of construction. Given the context of the Leonards Lecture, geotechnical and construction aspects will form the center of the presentation. Also in the spirit of Professor Leonards, it will be shown that such major engineering projects include essentially everything that is related to civil and environmental engineering.
Herbert H. Einstein, Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, received his Dipl. Ing. and Sc. D. in Civil Engineering from ETH-Zurich. His teaching and research areas are underground construction, rock mechanics and engineering geology. Professor Einstein has been involved as an advisor, consultant and researcher in issues related to underground construction, rock mechanics, rock engineering, natural disasters (notably landslides), and in waste repository problems. He has been and is a member of a number of national and international technical/scientific committees and advisory boards; he is also co-editor of the journal Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering and member of the editorial boards of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology and of Engineering Geology. Professor Einstein is author or co-author of over 210 technical publications. He was the recipient of the prestigious Miller lecture award of the International Society for Rock Mechanics and of the outstanding Contributions to Rock Mechanics award of the American Rock Mechanics Association. He is a Registered Professional Engineer. He was selected for membership in the National Academy of Engineering in 2003.
Geotechnical Workshop Theme: Digging Deep
8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. (includes lunch)
Stewart Center, Room 302, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2011 Workshop Program
Reception and Banquet: 6:30 p.m., Friday, April 8, 2011, Dauch Alumni Center, Purdue University, 403 West Wood Street, West Lafayette, IN. (Reservations are required.)
Support for the PGS workshop and Leonards lecture is provided by the
following sponsors: Hayward Baker, Fugro, Nicholson Construction, Earth Exploration, Haley and Aldrich (Gold); Parsons Brinckerhoff, Lachel & Associates and GEI Consultants (Bronze).