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Past Events

Purdue Geotechnical Society Workshops and G. A. Leonards Lectures

(Copies of most presentations are available by using the links below.)

2024 PGS Workshop and 20th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Jonathan D. Bray

2023 PGS Workshop and 19th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Krishna R. Reddy

2022 PGS Workshop and 18th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Richard J. Deschamps

2019 PGS Workshop and 17th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Steven L. Kramer

2018 PGS Workshop and 16th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Eduardo Alonso

2017 PGS Workshop and 15th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Patricia J. Culligan

2016 PGS Workshop and 14th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Dr. J. David Frost

2015 PGS Workshop and 13th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Dr. Richard E. Goodman

2014 PGS Workshop and 12th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Dr. Lyesse Laloui

2013 PGS Workshop and 11th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Dr. Craig H. Benson

2012 PGS Workshop and 10th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Carlos Santamarina

2011 PGS Workshop and 9th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Herbert Einstein

2010 PGS Workshop and 8th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Dr. Richard D. Woods

2009 PGS Workshop and 7th G. A. Leonards Lecture by Bernard Amadei

2008 PGS Workshop and 6th G. A. Leonards Lecture by Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau

2007 PGS Workshop and 5th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Dr. Suzanne Lacasse

2006 PGS Workshop and 4th G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Michele (Mike) Jamiolkowski

2005 PGS Workshop and 3rd G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Robert Holtz

2004 PGS Workshop and 2nd G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Mr. Victor Milligan

2003 PGS Workshop and 1st G. A. Leonards Lecture given by Prof. Milton Harr

A Celebration Honoring the 100th Anniversary of Professor Leonards’ Birthday

On April 29, 2021, an informal event was held online marking the 100th annviersary of  Prof. Gerald A. Leonards’ birthday. Short presentations were given by six of Jerry's former colleagues and students highlighting his legacy and connecting it to the state of practice today and the future of geotechnical engineering.

Other News

Gerald A. Leonards in Geotechnical Hall of Fame